Battery Creek High School elects student government officers:
• Freshman class: President Destiny Cooper; Vice President Garrett Morgan; Secretary Denhere Mack; Treasurer Ajhia Parker.

• Sophomore class: President Christian Carter; Vice President Zakiya Cobban; Secretary Neelia Heath; Treasurer Landon Morgan.
• Junior class: President Kierra Grayson; Vice President Shelly Houge; Co-Secretaries Raven Chapman and Jayde Little; Treasurer Tinea Morris.
• Senior Class: President April Stibitz; Vice President Joseph Cuevas; Secretary Deja Moultrie; Treasurer Zack Mahan.
• Student Body Officers: President Aujena Mungin; Vice President Vanessa Stanley; Secretary Gabriela Portela; Treasurer Fatima Watson.
• Thursday, Oct. 17: Flu Shot Clinic administered by Lowcountry Urgent Care, 8-11 a.m.

• Thursday, Oct. 17: A representative will be on campus from Sewanee, 3 p.m.
• Monday, Oct. 21: Fourth grade students will tour the Marine Corps Recruit Depot with veterans.
• Monday, Oct. 21: First and second graders go to the Holidays Farms pumpkin patch.
• Tuesday, Oct. 22: Parents’ Association Meeting, 8:30 a.m.
• Tuesday, Oct. 22: PreK and Kindergarten students to the Lobeco pumpkin patch.
• Wednesday, Oct. 23: Red Ribbon Week begins.
• Wednesday, Oct. 23: Seventh and eighth graders participate in SCISA State Math Meet.
• Save the Date: SADD Club pancake breakfast on Friday, October 25, at 7:30 a.m.
• Save the Date: BA Fall Festival on Friday, October 25.

Lady’s Island Elementary School is celebrating its 50th birthday this year and as part of the celebration we are searching for any memorabilia from the school. If you attended Lady’s Island or worked at Lady’s Island in the past and have any mementos or photos we would like to borrow them for the celebration November 1. We will return all items after the event and you are welcome to attend as well. Please contact Amy Trask
Lady’s Island Middle School would like to congratulate those selected to the Junior Leadership Program. Being selected in the leadership program is a top honor and reserved for 8th grade students. As a school ambassador, they will fulfill responsibilities and represent the school with distinction. The Junior Leadership class will plan approximately six trips throughout the school year learning about our community and

local issues. The 2013-2014 Junior Leadership Class members are: Mary Baker, Justin Campbell, Spencer Carter, Lucas Cato, Emily Cook, Samuel Derrick, Brandon Dickman, Briea Drayton, Robert Graves, Kelsey Murrie, Macy Purdy, Kaylie Richardson, Taylore Simmons, Everett Strmac, Alex Thatcher, Natyra Williams, Jacob Workman and Kirsten Workman.
Save the Date to join Riverview students in an effort to Stop Hunger Now! on Tuesday, October 22 and Wednesday, October 23. Each year Riverview students participate in The Empty Bowls Project, an international grassroots effort to raise money and awareness to fight hunger. Again this year, as a part of their Empty Bowls Service-Learning Project, Riverview students have teamed up with Stop Hunger Now! and pledged to buy and package 35,000 meals to feed children in schools and orphanages in Haiti. The cost, $9,500. In support of this project, plan to come 6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22 for the Empty Bowls dinner and Silent Auction. Everyone who joins will be treated to a small bowl of student made “Harvest Soup” as well as homemade

bread. Again on Wednesday, October 24, community members are invited to work in one of the many assembly lines, packing 35,000 meals in just four hours.
Parents, educators and community members have an opportunity to review and comment on proposed goals and strategies that are designed to guide Beaufort County’s public schools over the next three to five years.
“The district’s new strategic plan will evaluate where we are right now, set goals for where we want to be in the next three to five years and then determine the best ways to get there,” said School Board Chairman Bill Evans. “Because the entire community is contributing, the new strategic plan will reflect our values and aspirations. It also will have clearly stated long-range goals and measurable mileposts so that we can focus our work and monitor progress.”
Visitors to the school district’s website can evaluate reports from Strategic Planning Action Teams working in five areas: Purpose and Direction; Governance and Leadership; Teaching and Assessing for Learning; Resources and Support Systems; and Using Results for Continuous Improvement.
Feedback posted by midnight Thursday, Oct. 20, will be reviewed by the district’s Strategic Planning Steering Committee, which will meet on Saturday, Oct. 26 to review public comments, review all Five Action team reports and either approve them or send them back to the Action Teams for additional work.
The Technical College of the Lowcountry Foundation is accepting scholarship

applications through 5 p.m. Thursday, November 14, for the 2014 spring semester at TCL. Classes begin January 8, 2014. During the academic year, the Foundation will award more than $80,000 in tuition and book assistance to TCL students with demonstrated financial need. For more information on how to apply, visit or visit the TCL Foundation office, Building 12 on the Beaufort Campus. Contact 843-525-8294 or for details.
The University of South Carolina Beaufort is hosting the South Carolina Arts Education Conference on Friday, October 18 through Sunday, October 20 on the Historic Beaufort campus. More than 240 South Carolina art teachers will be participating in 100 professional development sessions focusing on the art process, technology, creativity, and innovation. “USCB is the perfect venue for our conference, with state of the art classrooms dedicated to printmaking, ceramics and graphic design. Our teachers are in for a treat,” stated conference chairman Meg Skow. Beaufort residents are invited to attend the artist bazaar being held in the pavilion at the Waterfront Park on Friday, October 18 from 6- 8 p.m. The bazaar features works of more than 20 different artists from across the state. On Saturday evening, downtown galleries will be open for the public and conference attendees to enjoy one of the nation’s greatest small arts towns.
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