School briefs for January 19th-25th

Students participating in oratorical program

High school students will be competing in the American Legion’s Oratorical Scholarship Program in January, and Beaufort is no exception.

American Legion Post 9 has invited participants from the local area to compete for scholarships by demonstrating their knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States.

Participating students will gather Saturday, Jan. 21, to present an 8- to 10-minute oration on some phase on the Constitution of the United States, emphasizing the duties and obligations of a citizen to the government.

Students will demonstrate their development of leadership, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently and how they are prepared to accept the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship.

Post 9 will pay up to $200 to the winner to cover expenses as they move on to the next levels in the competition, first engaging other students from 10 counties in the southern part of the state on Saturday, Feb. 18.

On March 11, the South Carolina finals will be held in Columbia at which $4,000 in scholarships will be awarded. The state winner will move on to the national finals where all state participants will receive at least an additional $1,500 and the three top winners receive $18,000, $16,000 and $14,000 respectively.

To date the American Legion has awarded more than $3 million to contestants in the High School Oratorical Scholarship Program.

Local students to march in inaugural parade

The Citadel cadets Christopher Wallace, John Bingham and Forrest Kimbrell, all of Beaufort, will march in the 2017 Presidential Inaugural Parade.

The 2017 Presidential Inaugural Parade represents the 7th inaugural parade in which The Citadel Regimental Band and Pipes, Color Guard and/or Summerall Guard have been selected to participate.

They jointly represented The Citadel together in the 1953 and 1985 inaugural parades.

Inclement weather forced the cancellation of President Reagan’s 1985 parade.

The regimental band was also a participant in President Kennedy’s 1961 parade. The Summerall Guard participated in President George H.W. Bush’s 1989 inaugural parade and President George W. Bush’s 2005 inaugural parade.

Kindergarten, pre-K enrollments scheduled

Registration for Beaufort County children whose parents want them to attend public school kindergarten or pre-kindergarten next school year will be held from Wednesday, Feb. 1, through Wednesday, March 1.

During that month, interested parents with children who will be 5 years old by Friday, Sept. 1, 2017, should complete kindergarten enrollment packets at the school serving their neighborhood’s attendance area.

Parents with questions about school attendance zones should call any elementary school in their area.

Parents with children who will be 4 years old by Sept. 1 should register for pre-kindergarten at their neighborhood schools. Because space is limited for pre-K, 4 year olds will be assessed for possible enrollment during “Child Find” screenings the week of March 6-10.  Decisions on placement for pre-K will be made at each school after children’s screenings are complete.  Children are ranked in order of greatest need for participation in the program based on the provided list of at-risk indicators.

Children who will be 6 years old by Sept. 1 should register for first grade.

For all student enrollments, parents should bring their child’s birth certificate, South Carolina Certificate of Immunization (shot record) and two proofs of residency such as a utility bill showing a home address.

For more information about registering a child in Beaufort County, call your neighborhood school or the district’s Office of Early Childhood at 843-521-2399.

Information is also available on the school district’s website ( by clicking on “Parents,” then “Kindergarten Registration and Prekindergarten Screenings.”

Riverview accepting K-8 applications

Riverview Charter School is now accepting kindergarten through eighth-grade applications for the 2017-2018 school year.

The deadline is 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31, to be considered part of open enrollment and included in any ensuing lottery.

Applications received after that day and time will only be considered on a space-available basis and in the order upon which they are received, with those student’s names being added to the end of the wait-list. Applications are available on the school’s website at, at the school at 81 Savannah Highway and at daycares and public facilities in Beaufort County.

Requests for an application to be mailed can be made by calling the school at 843-379-0123.

Anyone interested in learning more about Beaufort County’s first charter school can attend a Community Open House from 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, at Riverview Charter School.

Additionally, parents can drop in at the school at 9 a.m. every Wednesday during January for a brief tour along with a question-and-answer session. No appointment is necessary. Families seeking a tour on other days or at other times can contact the school at 843-379-0123.

As a public school in the Beaufort County School District, Riverview is open to Beaufort County residents. There is no tuition and no selection process. Free bus transportation is available, as well as before- and after-care for students (scholarships available).


SADD Club collecting holiday cards

The SADD Club of Battery Creek High School is collecting the front of holiday cards for re-cycling. All card fronts except Disney, American Greeting and Hallmark cards can be recycled.

Card fronts can be left in the front office for pickup or mailed to BCHS SADD Club, c/o BCHS, 1 Blue Dolphin Drive, Beaufort.

The BCHS SADD Club is also participating in Souper Bowl of Caring, through Thursday, Feb. 9. This is a nationwide program that aims to help feed the hungry in our country. All types of soup – canned and dry mixes – are being collected and can be dropped off in the front office. Donations collected at BCHS will be donated to HELP of Beaufort and Love House Ministries Food Pantry. This is the sixth year the BCHS SADD Club has participated in this program.

Local college students notch achievements

The following students have graduated or made the Dean’s List at their respective schools:

• John Ferguson, of Lady’s Island, and Janelle Vernoy, of Beaufort, have been named to the Dean’s List at Bob Jones University for academic achievement during the Fall 2016 semester.

• Nicole Clemons, of Beaufort, has been named to the University of Rhode Island’s Fall 2016 Dean’s List.

• Sam Marcus McDonald, Hannah Jean Raymond and Harrison James Tucker, all of Beaufort, received degrees Dec. 15 from Clemson University.

AAUW-Beaufort branch plans STEM program

The Beaufort Branch of American Association of University Women (AAUW), along with the University of South Carolina and Beaufort County public schools, is planning a hands-on, fun day of activities for middle school girls to explore the opportunities in STEM careers, which include science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The STEM day for local middle school girls will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, at the USCB Center for the Arts.

Lunch will be provided.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend with their daughter to support her and to learn about jobs in the STEM areas.  Information about the program will be distributed through the middle schools.

AAUW is a national organization dedicated to advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.

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