Information fairs coming on school choice program
The Beaufort County School District is gearing up to accept school choice applications for the 2018-19 academic year, the fourth year of the district’s expanded choice initiative.
More than 3,500 district students currently attend schools outside their zoned attendance areas.
Two regional information fairs will give students and their parents opportunities to learn about the district’s choice programs and how to apply for them.
The first fair will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8, at Beaufort Middle School, and will spotlight choice programs in Northern Beaufort County.
The second fair will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 11, at H.E. McCracken Middle School in Bluffton, and will feature choice programs in Southern Beaufort County.
After the two regional fairs, individual schools will host their own meetings so students and parents can get more detailed on-site information about the choices they offer.
“The popularity of our program shows that when it comes to the education of their children, parents appreciate having choices,” said Superintendent Jeff Moss. “They appreciate being able to match their children’s individual talents and interests with the instructional methods that suit them best.”
Curriculum options approved by the board of education include such instructional choices as Montessori, International Baccalaureate, arts infused, Classical Studies, AP Capstone, dual language immersion, early college, leadership programs and advanced math and science.
Beaufort County students who attend choice programs do not pay extra tuition, although families are responsible for their students’ transportation if they live outside of the school’s attendance zone.
All choice schools also serve children who live in their attendance zones, in addition to students from outside the zone who apply to attend.
School choice applications will be posted to the district’s website on Thursday, Feb. 1, and must be turned in by 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28.
Paper copies of the application will be available in school offices.
Moss said that all district schools will maintain a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics focus, as well the arts, world languages and technology.