School Briefs

• Thursday, March 22, is the second grade Poetry Palooza at Riverview Charter School.
• Thursday, March 22, Beaufort Academy’s Parent Association Meeting, 7 p.m.
• Thursday, March 22, is Chick-fil-A Night for Lady’s Island Elementary School, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
• March 22-24, Beaufort Academy fifth graders to Nemours.
• Friday, March 23, St. Peter’s Catholic School will host a special evening enactment of Stations of the Cross, 5:30 p.m. All are welcome.
• Saturday, March 24, Beaufort Twilight Run at Habersham will benefit Riverview Charter School.
Saturday, March 24, Annual Beaufort Academy Yard Sale, held in the morning in the BA gym.
• Monday, March 26, Beaufort Middle School’s School Improvement Council meeting will be held in the Media Center, 5:30 p.m.
• March 26-30, “Child Find Screening” at Lady’s Island Elementary School.
• Tuesday, March 27, fourth graders at Lady’s Island Elementary School present “The Adventures of Lewis Clark” at 2 p.m.
• Wednesday, March 28, is the deadline to submit nominations for three new positions on the Riverview Charter School Board of Directors.
• Wednesday, March 28, Beaufort Academy’s Upper School dodgeball game, 6 p.m.
• Wednesday, March 28, AMES Arts Night for Beaufort Elementary, located at the BHS Performing Arts Center, 6 p.m. A Basket Raffle will also take place at this event. Please invite friends and family to help celebrate and encourage the children.

Pictured is Mrs. Pat Horton’s 4th Grade team from Broad River Elementary, which had 100% participation in raising funds for the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart.

Jump Rope for Heart
Broad River Elementary picked a pretty lofty goal when they set out to raise $3,000 for the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart. They are happy to announce that not only did they meet their goal, but they passed it with a grand total of $5,001.29! This was definitely a schoolwide effort — 16 out of 18 classes met their goals and 184 students and staff members became “Heart Heroes” by making contributions. Each day the W-BRES News Team gave a Heart Healthy Fact of the Day, heart themes were used in art and music classes and many students made Jump Rope for Heart T-shirts. In one class, students were even able to earn real money, which was donated to Jump Rope for Heart. Physical Education teacher, Mrs. Debbie Hahn, motivated not only the students but the staff also as she reminded them to make everyday a “Heart Healthy Day.”

Camp Invention
Coosa Elementary School is excited to be hosting Camp Invention again this year. Children entering grades 1 through 6 will be immersed in a weeklong adventure of creative problem solving, critical thinking and lots of fun. This year’s camp will be directed by Karyn Levesque. Register now at to take advantage of the early registration discount before March 30.

Third grade students of Coosa Elementary enjoyed a visit from “Melinda Long” while learning about the world of publishing.

A visit from Melinda Long
A few weeks ago, third grade students at Coosa Elementary had a visit from popular children’s author Melinda Long. Mrs. Long explained to kids how long and involved the writing and publishing process can be. This visit was funded through on behalf of Mrs. Lynda Jernigan. Thanks Mrs. Jernigan!

Julie’s Mission supports premature and sick babies
Broad River students presented Julie’s Mission representative, Mrs. Anne Otten, a check for $350. Julie’s Mission ( is an organization that makes and distributes homemade blankets, hats and other items to premature and sick babies.  The students raised the money through the sale of pickles and “Positive” T-shirts, which they wore during their recent performance.
BA celebrates Einstein’s birthday
In addition to collecting more than 1,000 canned goods (the goal was 314), which were donated to the Franciscan Center, Beaufort Academy students also celebrated Pi Day by decorating the school for Einstein’s birthday (also 3.14) and eating circular foods. To wrap up the day, all middle and upper students took part in a photo of “Pi = 3.141…” taken with the assistance of the Fire Department.

Taking a seat in a F-18
Lady’s Island Middle School Junior Leadership class visited the Marine Corps Air Station at the end of February. Lance Corporal RJ Driver greeted the class and explained that the main mission of the Air Station is to support the marines in the war in Afghanistan. The class also visited the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighter Facility, better known as ARF, where a few marines on hand demonstrated how their gear works and the responsibilities of a fire fighter on base. The class was highly impressed by the food at the chow hall before making their final stop to a fighter attack squadron. Captain Mitchell explained what it takes to be an officer and what it takes to fly an F-18.

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