SAR stays active

Attending the S.C. Annual State Meeting of the SAR in Columbia were Beaufort members Andy Beall, S.C. Society Eagle Scout Chairman; Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Genealogist Dean Cullison; newly elected Senior Vice President of the State SAR Society Carroll Crowther; and Gov. Hamilton Chapter President Jody Henson.

Carroll Crowther was elected Senior Vice President of the S.C. Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for 2012 at the recent Annual Meeting of the State Society in Columbia.  Crowther is past president of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of the SAR in Beaufort At the annual meeting, Wayne Cousar, recent past president of the Hamilton Chapter, was installed as State Vice President for Chapter Renewal and Revitalization. Beaufort’s Gov. Hamilton Chapter was cited for ranking third among the 17 chapters in South Carolina for promoting Americanism Projects in 2011, and was awarded the white flag streamer, seen above at right.

Marine Cadet Jonah Carter of Battery Creek High receives the SAR JROTC Bronze Medal award from Henson. Carter was chosen for his leadership qualities, military bearing and general excellence.
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