Reduce wireless radiation exposure in your home

Numerous recent, peer-reviewed studies indicate a connection between wireless radiation and a variety of illnesses and symptoms, and doctors conclude that children are “more vulnerable.” The Environmental Health Trust has compiled a list of the latest research studies that have linked wireless radiation to numerous health effects including impacts on memory damage, emotional problems, headaches, brain damage and reproduction issues, as well as increased thyroid and brain tumor risk. 

The Federal Communications Commission is the U.S. agency in charge of regulating wireless exposures, but it is still using science from 1996, when most phones were flip phones. EHT recently won a lawsuit against the FCC that demanded the FCC re-examine the growing body of scientific evidence on their record indicating health risks from the wireless radiation of cell phones, smart speakers, and Wi-Fi. The court specifically mandated the FCC to address issues of children’s vulnerability, long term exposure and modern-day technologies. 

While the FCC contemplates how it will meet the court order, the Environmental Health Trust recommends the following to reduce wireless radiation exposure at home:

  1. Limit use, especially with and around children. Cell phones are not toys. Instead of handing your child a cell phone or Wi-Fi connected iPad, choose a real toy. Minimizing your use around children as well as children’s use of cell phones and wireless devices greatly reduces their exposure.
  2. Distance wireless connected devices away from the body. The closer a wireless device is, the more wireless is absorbed into body tissue. Be aware that if you are holding your child with your cell phone nearby, some of the radiation from your phone is absorbed into their brain. Do not use a cell phone or wireless device while nursing or holding an infant in your lap. Do not hold your child on your lap in front of a Wi-Fi laptop or tablet. Is your child’s highchair near the smart speaker? Wi-Fi routers should not be near places where adults work or anywhere where children sleep and play.
  3. Know the fine print warnings. All cell phones and wireless devices have fine print manufacturer instructions in their user manuals warning consumers to keep the phone or Wi-Fi device at a specific distance from the body. For instance, the minimum distance for the Apple iPhone 13 is 5 mm; for the Amazon Echo Dot recommended minimum distance is 20 cm and Wi-Fi printers are 20 cm. If a cell phone or device is held at body contact, the absorption of wireless radiation can be so high it exceeds even the government’s outdated safety limits, in some cases by up to 11 times the FCC limit.
  4. Pre-download and use airplane mode as often as possible. The airplane mode setting turns wireless antennas off on your cell phone, tablet, or laptop. You can play pre downloaded music and videos and even take pictures with airplane mode. Be sure to ensure Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular, and Hotspot antennas are toggled off as they also emit wireless. If your children watch shows on a phone or iPad, download the program, and then let the child watch while the device is in airplane mode. The more you use Airplane Mode with wireless antennas off, the less you and your children are exposed.
  5. Protect your and your child’s sleep. Remove TV’s, screens, and electronics from the bedroom. Try turning Wi-Fi and wireless off at night to ensure 8 hours of healthier sleep. Do not sleep with a cell phone under your pillow or a cordless phone base on your nightstand. Power cell phones off at night and use a battery powered alarm clock. 
  6. Replace your cordless phone with a corded phone. Just like cell phones, cordless phones also emit wireless radiation. The cordless phone base emits wireless radiation continuously. Corded phones with the curly handset cords do not emit wireless radiation. 
  7. Used corded tech instead of everything wireless. You can easily swap out most wireless tech in your home for safer corded non-wireless technology. Use a wired keyboard and mouse. Ditch the wireless smart speaker for wired computer speakers. Replace Wi-Fi with hardwired ethernet as much as possible. In fact, you can still connect to the internet, stream music and videos and social media–all with an ethernet corded connection. By choosing safer technology at home, parents can also greatly reduce their children’s exposure. 

EHT warns that children are especially vulnerable to wireless radiation due to the fact that their brains are still developing. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Children are not little adults and are disproportionately impacted by all environmental exposures, including cell phone radiation.” The American Academy of Pediatrics along with numerous medical organizations and health professionals worldwide recommend reducing children’s cell phone radiation exposure to protect their health.

For more information, visit the Environmental Health Trust at

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