Beaufort High School Drama Director LaRaine Fess and her troop of student actors are out to raise awareness of the issues of bullying and teen substance abuse. To bring these concerns to the forefront, they issued a challenge to their school and community at large called the “Lemonade Challenge.” Inspired by the recent “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge,” Ms. Fess and her students are “daring” everyone to take a bite from a lemon and “savor the sour,” because without the “sour” or the struggles in life, it would hard to appreciate the “sweet.” To kick off this effort, Beaufort community leaders were invited to Beaufort High to take the challenge to take a stand against bullying and teen substance abuse — and they rose admirable to that challenge! The motto for this effort is “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” a sentiment that can help everyone stand strong in the face of adversity.