Power of the Purse

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The Women’s Leadership Council of the United Way of the Lowcountry will hold its second annual “Power Of The Purse” fundraising event on Thursday, March 19th at 6:00 p.m. at the Oldfield Clubhouse.

The event will feature dinner and drinks, music by Amanda Brewer and a silent auction featuring designer purses, dinner packages, resort destination packages and other valuable items. All proceeds from the event will help fund the Women’s Leadership Council’s “Breaking Barriers to Education” fund. This fund provides flexibility for the United Way to address issues not covered by other emergency providers in regards to children and parents referred to the agency by a school social worker.

The Women’s Leadership Council will also present their “Woman of the Year” award during the event, honoring a local woman who best exemplifies the service and leadership to be an agent of change in the lowcountry. Last year’s award was presented to Dr. Renarta Tompkins, a professor at USCB instrumental in founding and leading the United Way’s Early Grade Reading Program.

The United Way is currently accepting nominations for the 2015 Woman of the Year. All nominees must be a female resident of Beaufort or Jasper County who has made a powerful impact on the community through volunteer efforts. Other requirements are further explained in the nomination form, available on the United Way of the Lowcountry website at www.uwlowcountry.org.

Tickets are $65 per person and are also available online at www.uwlowcountry.org. For more information call the United Way office at (843) 982-3040 or email Lesley Holladay, Director of Volunteer and Donor Engagement, at lholladay@uwlowcountry.org.


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