Planting flowers and pullings weeds at BES

By Bob Sofaly

More than a dozen volunteers from the Fripp Island Audubon Society teamed up with students, teachers and administrators to re-plant the garden on Saturday at Beaufort Elementary School.

“This is our third year of partnership with Beaufort Elementary,” said Society President Pete Richards. “It’s part of a series of events we do for the school throughout the year” all funded by the Society he said as volunteers and students were busy pulling weeds and tilling soil. “Today we are going to redo the garden, build bird feeders and plant another butterfly garden and re-do the pond” he said. This truly becomes a “Living Lab” on campus for the students.

Melissa Holland, Assistant Principal of the school was very enthusiastic with the turnout of volunteers and students who gave up their Saturday to pull weeds and dig in the dirt. “Because of other commitments on a Saturday like sports, we left the time open for students so they could drop by anytime during the day” she said.

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