On Thursday, October 6, one lucky customer was treated to a $1,000 shopping spree at the Piggly Wiggly in Port Royal on Ribaut Road. The event began at noon and the customer had five minutes to grab everything he could.
Store Operator Robert Averill described the event this way:

“The customer came into the store and was presented with two $500 gift cards. After taking pictures, the customer started in the floral shop and took off running. He ran across the front of the store getting a few items on the front-end caps such as paper towels. Then headed straight to the meat department. He started getting everything from whole pieces of T-bones and Ribeyes, to Boston butts, chicken, everything, literally. We had to go back into the cooler to get triple packs of ribs.
As he filled a shopping cart, we kept bringing him a fresh one to keep it rolling. There were a few customers by the meat department cheering him on and trying to point him in the direction of the meat. With one minute left, we began counting down from 60. He went straight the frozen food aisle and was grabbing arm loads of frozen food and frozen vegetables and throwing them in the shopping cart. Time expired as he came down the end of the frozen food aisle.
Everyone stood around as I scanned all his groceries. The grand total was $1100 in groceries and meat. He used the $1000 in gift cards to pay for the groceries and we also let him have the other $100 for being such a good sport.
The shopping spree was compliments of Trapiche Wine.”