Picture Day at Beaufort Dog May 5, 2011 Pets The dogs at Beaufort Dog Day School will be posing this week for their picture day with local photographer Misty Smith. This More
Famous Happy Winos from History May 5, 2011 Wine By Terry Sweeney Whenever I wake up in the morning, fully clothed, in a now wine-stained ensemble, an empty bottle of red More
Local walks runway, joins modeling agency May 5, 2011 Uncategorized Beaufortonian Lara Lill, owner of Chapter 1 Design with her husband Alex, recently participated as a model in Savannah Fashion Week. She More
Lion’s Club presents Check to library May 5, 2011 Uncategorized The Beaufort Lions Club recently presented a check for $1000 to the Beaufort County Library to purchase the Jaws Screen Reader, which More
Kiss-a-Pig campaign is a real squeal May 5, 2011 Uncategorized American Diabetes Association’s 2011 Kiss-a-Pig Campaign chose Dr. Tom Leitzel, President of the Technical College of the Lowcountry, to represent Beaufort. More
EXTREME MAKEOVER & THE ISLAND NEWS May 5, 2011 Uncategorized Ron Hines, a distributor for The Island News, presents India Dickinson and her son with framed copies of the paper that showcases More
New Pool at Pleasant Point May 5, 2011 Uncategorized The Pleasant Point Community is upgrading all community facilities and recently had their grand opening for the new swimming pool. More
Royal Wedding Celebrations May 5, 2011 Uncategorized Southern Graces Bistro’s Royal Wedding Tea a Smashing Success Followers of the Royal Wedding were able to celebrate in style at today’s More
Historical Society holds 72nd annual meeting May 5, 2011 Uncategorized Dr. Gerald Schwartz will discuss his book, “A Woman Doctor’s Civil War: Esther Hill Hawks’ Diary.” A physician, a Northerner, a teacher, More
Local Eagle Scout selected for SAR state award May 5, 2011 Uncategorized The South Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution presented its coveted Eagle Scout of the Year in South Carolina More
Praising the strength and spirit of all Mommas May 5, 2011 Cherimie Crane/Voices By Cherimie Crane In the bottom of a large wooden trunk, tattered and torn are the years of my life. Page after More