News briefs for September 15th-21st

DNR: Shrimp-baiting season is now open

The 2016 shrimp-baiting season in South Carolina waters opened on Sept. 9.

Recreational shrimpers who purchase a shrimp-baiting license can legally cast their nets for shrimp over bait during this season.

Shrimp-baiting season lasts 60 days and will remain open until noon Tuesday, Nov. 8.

S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) biologists reported especially high shrimp numbers in spring 2016 following a warm winter, and a similarly strong fall crop of white shrimp, the offspring of the spring season, is expected.

“Given the relatively mild water temperatures we experienced this past winter, the high abundance of white roe shrimp we started the season with, and the very encouraging results of our ongoing inshore crustacean monitoring efforts, the shrimp fishery this fall has all the makings of a very productive one,” said Mel Bell, director of DNR’s Office of Fisheries Management. “This will be good news for both the commercial fleet who work in our nearshore waters as well as the recreational shrimping community fishing in shallower estuarine waters. If all of the current trends hold, this could be a very good year for shrimping in South Carolina.”

Resident shrimp-baiting licenses cost $25, and non-resident licenses cost $500. Licenses can be applied for online at or by phone at 1-866-714-3611.

The catch limit is 48 quarts of shrimp measured heads-on (or 29 quarts heads-off) per boat or set of poles per day, and each boat is limited to a set of 10 poles. When taking shrimp over bait, no cast net may be used having a mesh smaller than one half-inch square measure or one-inch stretch measure.

For more information on shrimp-baiting regulations, visit

Bidder registration begins for tax sale

Bidder registration for the Beaufort County Tax Auction is now underway. All bidders must register online at or at the Beaufort County Treasurer’s office in Beaufort by noon Friday, Sept. 30. The registration fee is $30 and includes a list of all properties to be sold the morning of the auction. A complete list of properties for auction will be advertised at

The auction will take place at 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 3, at the Charles Lind Brown Activity Center located at 1001 Hamar St. in Beaufort. On the day of the sale, bidder sign-in will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 9:30 a.m. All bidders must be signed in no later than 9:30 a.m. All recording fees per property will be determined the day of the sale and must be paid in full with the winning bid.

CERT training to be held in October

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will provide training in October for Beaufort County residents to increase self-sufficiency in a disaster. Participants learn skills that will enable them to provide emergency assistance to their families and neighbors. CERT classes are free and are held at the Technical College of the Lowcountry (Room 125), 100 Community College Drive, Bluffton. The course is taught in four class sessions from 6-9 p.m., and one Saturday exercise class from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information or to register, send an email to or contact Major David Zeoli at 843-812-8035 or Kris Legg at 843-263-2783.

Beaufort Republicans to hold meeting

The Beaufort County Republican Party will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 15, at Palmetto Electric Co-Operative, 1 Cooperative Way in Hardeeville. George Farrell, a well-known author, motivational speaker and the founder of BlakPac, will be the featured speaker. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a social period starting at 6 p.m. Food and refreshments will be served and the meeting is open to the public. For more information, visit or

Burton Wells facility to close for maintenance

The Burton Wells recreational facility will be closed Friday, Sept. 16, for maintenance. The facility will return to normal operating hours Saturday, Sept. 17. For additional information or to learn more about PALS programs and services, call 843-255-6680 or

Democratic Club to meet on Sept. 15

The Northern Beaufort County Democratic Club will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 15, at Grand Army Hall, 706 Newcastle St., Beaufort. The social gathering will be at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts promptly at 7 p.m. The main speaker will be Marie Smalls, the director of the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County. The program topic is “What’s Changed at the Polls Since 2012?” Light refreshments will be served.

Time running out for property owners

The Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office will be contacting by mail delinquent real property owners whose property was sold at the 2015 Tax Sale to notify them that the redemption period will be ending.

“Once the redemption period has ended there is very little recourse for the property owner and their property will be titled to the winning bidder. Because of this, we make every effort to inform them of this deadline,” said Maria Walls, Beaufort County treasurer.

These notices will be mailed to delinquent property owners, mortgagees and/or lessees of the property of record. They will have until 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, to redeem the property by paying all taxes, fees and penalties owed. Additional information can be found on

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