Mini-grants available for northern Beaufort County teachers

Teachers in northern Beaufort County public and charter schools are encouraged to apply for classroom grants this school year. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Sept. 25.

The application process is simple and streamlined. Since the Foundation’s renewal in 2012, more than $10,000 in grants has been delivered directly to teachers in northern Beaufort County’s public schools.

This fall, another $5,000 is earmarked for mini-grants, each capped at $500.

“We are thrilled to be opening up our third round of grants since we revitalized the Northern Beaufort County Public Education Foundation in 2012,” Foundation Board Chairman Jim Grimsley said.

“Our goal is to target public schools in northern Beaufort County and help teachers do things they might not ordinarily be able to do because of they lack funding,” Grimsley said. “School budgets traditionally are stretched pretty thin, and teachers often have wonderful ideas for their students that can’t be done within the existing budget structure. That’s where we help.”

Successful applications should encourage imaginative, innovative projects that can be targeted to a specific goal the teacher has, for which funds are otherwise not available. This round of grant awards must be spent before May 20, 2014. The grants may be used in all subject areas in elementary, middle and high school. For more information or to obtain an application, email the Northern Beaufort County Public Education Foundation at

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