Memorial Day Celebrations

The Parris Island Marine Band led the Memorial Day parade as it makes its way down Boundary Street on Monday.
The Parris Island Marine Band led the Memorial Day parade as it makes its way down Boundary Street on Monday. Photos by Bob Sofaly.
Cadets from the Beaufort High School Junior ROTC place a folded flag at the POW/MIA table during an emotional ceremony during the annual observance of Memorial Day on Monday at the Beaufort National Cemetery.
Cadets from the Beaufort High School Junior ROTC place a folded flag at the POW/MIA table during an emotional ceremony during the annual observance of Memorial Day on Monday at the Beaufort National Cemetery.
Angela Dean, 2, waves her flag as the Memorial Day Parade passes by. Angela was attending the annual parade with her mother, Kelly Dean.
Angela Dean, 2, waves her flag as the Memorial Day Parade passes by. Angela was attending the annual parade with her mother, Kelly Dean.
This unidentified little boy made sure all the head stones had a flag during the annual observance of Memorial Day on Monday at the Beaufort National Cemetery.
This unidentified little boy made sure all the head stones had a flag during the annual observance of Memorial Day on Monday at the Beaufort National Cemetery.
Jonathan Niverea, 10, of Lowcountry Montessori School, helps put up some the flags on the head stones on Friday at Beaufort National Cemetery.
Jonathan Niverea, 10, of Lowcountry Montessori School, helps put up some the flags on the head stones on Friday at Beaufort National Cemetery.
Members of the Beaufort Exchange Club, Kiwanis Club and the DAV unfurl some of the 50 "casket" flags used to line the Avenue of Flags on Friday at Beaufort National Cemetery. Each of the flags had previously been draped over the casket of U.S. service person buried the cemetery.
Members of the Beaufort Exchange Club, Kiwanis Club and the DAV unfurl some of the 50 “casket” flags used to line the Avenue of Flags on Friday at Beaufort National Cemetery. Each of the flags had previously been draped over the casket of U.S. service person buried the cemetery.
Master Sgt. Jim Handrinos retired from the U.S. Marine Corps in 1974. Now 81, Handrinos still participates in the Memorial Day parade.
Master Sgt. Jim Handrinos retired from the U.S. Marine Corps in 1974. Now 81, Handrinos still participates in the Memorial Day parade.
Larry Roann, left, unfurls one of the 50 "casket" flags while Courtney Peeples and Tom Lorence hold the flagpole steady Friday at Beaufort National Cemetery.
Larry Roann, left, unfurls one of the 50 “casket” flags while Courtney Peeples and Tom Lorence hold the flagpole steady Friday at Beaufort National Cemetery.
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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home