MCRD Parris Island re-opens on limited basis – The Island News – Beaufort, SC

MCRD Parris Island re-opens on limited basis


Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island has restored limited depot access to properly credentialed military retirees and their credentialed dependents.

Base access is restricted to every Monday through Thursday from 6 a.m. to
10 p.m.

The restoration of access, which started May 11, is part of the depot’s plan to gradually open facilities, restore services and reduce depot access restrictions in a deliberate and phased manner.

Depot facilities will require patrons to wear face masks upon entry and military retirees are not authorized to escort non-credentialed personnel aboard the depot.

The depot will continue to re-open open facilities, restore services and reduce base access restrictions as conditions permit.

In addition to the requirement of wearing face masks, the following facilities will have additional restrictions or modifications to their procedures or business hours:


The depot commissary is open to military retirees and their credentialed dependents. The commissary is open Tuesday through Sunday. Retirees will have access to the commissary Tuesday through Thursday until further notice.

Marine Corps Exchange

Depot exchange is open to military retirees and their credentialed dependents every Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. The barbershop has a reduced capacity to only 10 customers at one time. The exchange is limited to 400 patrons.


The depot library is open to military retirees and their credentialed dependents every Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. The library has a reduced capacity to only 20 patrons at one time.


The depot museum is open to military retirees and their credentialed dependents Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. The museum has a reduced capacity to only 80 patrons at one time.

Traditions Restaurant

Traditions Restaurant is open to military retirees and their credentialed dependents Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. Traditions will serve takeout dinner Tuesday-Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The bar area is open to patrons, but with a reduced capacity to only 30 patrons.

Brig and Brew

The Brig and Brew bar and grill is open to military retirees and their credentialed dependents Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. The bar area is open to patrons, but with a reduced capacity to only 250 patrons.

Post Office

The depot post office is open to military retirees and their credentialed dependents Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. The post office has a reduced capacity to only 35 patrons at one time.

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