Bob Sofaly photo A historic marker was unveiled on the old Blue Channel Corporation grounds near the Fish Camp on 11th Street on Monday. From left are Port Royal Town Councilman Jerry Ashmore, Julie Zachowski, Beaufort County Historic Society; Eileen Newton, Historic Port Royal Foundation and Larry Rowland, History Proffessor Emeritus from the University of S.C. Beaufort. Also on hand were former employees of Blue Channel.


A historic marker was unveiled on Monday on the old Blue Channel Corporation grounds near Fishcamp on 11th Street in Port Royal. From left are Port Royal Town Councilman Jerry Ashmore, Julie Zachowski of the Beaufort County Historical Society, Eileen Newton of the Historic Port Royal Foundation and History Proffessor Emeritus Larry Rowland of the University of S.C. Beaufort. Also on hand were former employees of Blue Channel. Photo by Bob Sofaly

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