Lunch and Learn summer gardening series returns

That great summer gardening series, Lunch and Learn, begins Saturday, May 10 in the gazebo at the Port Royal Farmers Market in Naval Heritage Park, and continues each Saturday until September 13. This award-winning series of classes, workshops and lectures is free to the public and no registration is required.

The 2014 series will ably be kicked off by noted local landscape designer, J. Weidner, who will show how to have a beautiful garden every season of the year.  Master Gardeners and other professionals share their skills and knowledge to help the Lowcountry gardener meet the challenges of this hot and humid climate. Door prizes are abundant, and chances are good that you’ll go home with a unique plant grown right here in Beaufort County.

Stop at the farmers market for a delicious lunch, and bring it and a folding chair to the gazeebo at noon, and share a little Lunching and Learning with people who love gardening as much as you do.

The Master Gardeners will also hold a Plant Clinic at the gazebo during the hour before Lunch and Learn. They will answer questions, and identify plants, pests and diseases. The Plant Clinic and Lunch and Learn are brought to you by the volunteers of the Lowcountry Master Gardener Association.

2014 Lunch and Learn Program Schedule

• May 10: A Four Season Garden with J. Weidner: You can have interest and beauty all year long.  It just takes some planning.  J will show you how.

• May 17: Multiplication by Division with Sandra Educate: No, it’s not the”new math”. It’s kind of a BOGO for plants.

• May 24: Container Water Gardens with Alice Massey: About as carefree as gardening gets. Alice will have some aquatics to share.

• May 31: Turf Clinic with Laura Lee Rose: The title says it all. Get answers to your questions from the Clemson Extension Horticultural Agent.

• June 7: String Gardens with Alice Massey, Sandra Educate and Jenny Staton: There are strings attached to this class.  Be prepared to get your hands dirty if you want to play with us. We’ll provide all materials.

• June 14: An Artist’s Garden with Sandra Baggette: Garden vignettes you’ll love and copy.  Come and get inspired.

• June 21: Citrus, Citrus, Citrus with Ned Rahn: If you get a lemon, you should probably talk to Ned. He’s our own citrus guru.

• June 28: Give Bananas a Hand with Pat Lauzon: Pat harvested six stalks of bananas from her garden last year.  Learn her secrets. Door Prize Bananas.

• July 5: Butterfly Gardens with Sue Roderus: Invite these dancing flowers into your garden and you’ll get birds and bees, too.  Come take flight.

• July 12: Palms with Lora Quincey: Get the ABCs of TLC  for these southern aristocrats. They deserve to look regal.

• July 19: How to Prune Just About Anything with J. Weidner: Prune, snip, lop, clip, saw and whack.  Expert techniques.

• July 26: Understory Trees and Shrubs with Natalie Bowie and Sue Simmons: Provide the finishing touches to your landscape and add color and texture to your wooded areas.

• August 2: The Worms Crawl In, The Worms Crawl Out with Joe Allard: These are the critters that make black gold from paper and kitchen scraps. Worm farm starters for door prizes.

• August 9: Tropicals with Jenny Staton and Sandra Educate: Get that lush, tropical island look with plants that will grow and thrive here in the ground.

• August 16: Xeriscaping with Betsy Jukofsky: This isn’t just about cacti and gravel.  It’s getting maximum performance with minimum water.

• August 23: Fall Vegetable Gardening with Laura Lee Rose: Start now and you can harvest ‘till spring.  As always, there will be seeds to share.

• August 30: A Rose Must Remain with Janet Bura and Becky Guinn: They do promise you a rose garden. Roses that can tough it out in our hot and humid climate.

• September 6: Landscaping 101 with Lynn Taylor: Landscape mistakes are the costliest ones.  How to avoid them, or if it’s too late, how to correct them.

• September 13: Keeping it Growing with TV Host Amanda McNulty: A panel of Master Gardeners to answer your questions. On this show, the panel wears the funny hats!


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