Lowcountry Broil

Proposal for Whitehall property
Last May I sent this proposal to the Beaufort County Open Land Trust  … that the Whitehall property would make an incredible natural park, with its view of Beaufort over the water. And it should be named in honor of Harriet Keyserling.

Support the performing arts at USCB
When I moved to Beaufort from Washington, DC, earlier in the year, I did not expect the sophisticated level of cultural entertainment that I left behind.  But, lo and behold, I discovered USCB’s splendid blend of theater, independent film, and musical performances whose pricing and accessibility easily topped what I was used to in DC.  The latest French film, “Women on the Sixth Floor,” was one of the most endearing and enjoyable movies I’ve seen in years. I have been disheartened, however, by the often sparse attendance and it concerns me about the future of these programs.  USCB’s program offers a varied and thoughtful selection of performances in a spacious,  lovely, and technically up-to-date setting, close to a number of restaurants for a pre- or post-performance meal. I want to make sure other Beaufortonians are not missing out on these opportunities because they are not aware of them.  If we are to be the vibrant and expansive community that we want to be, we must all support these excellent efforts — and for just the price of parking at the Kennedy Center!

Speed limit ignored on new McTeer bridge
Does anyone really know what the speed limit is on the new McTeer span? It seems that many are taking the limit sign to mean minimum speed. I thought only in Italy or Germany would you find vehicles riding right up your tailpipe. Try 60 or 65!

Did you get a boot on your car parking downtown or would you like to thank a stranger for a random act of kindness? Here’s your chance to sound off about what you love and hate. Send your comments to LowcountryBroil@gmail.com and you could see them in our new column called Lowcountry Broil. Don’t worry: They’re all anonymous. (Any specific negative references to people or businesses will not be published.)

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Adage Re-visitation Team launched

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Beaufort takes first steps to buy Commerce Park

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A U.S. Marine Corps F/A-18D Hornet assigned to the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 312, at