Local vet’s product helps older dogs get a grip with ToeGrips

By Pamela Brownstein
When it comes to the health of your four-legged best friend, having trim toe nails is essential, says Julie

Julie Snyder applies her product ToeGrips to a dog’s nails to prevent him from slipping.

She should know because she’s a vet who has seen a lot of dogs that have toe nails that are too long and it impacts the animal’s entire stance.
Julie also said the nails can lead to slipping, which can be a serious problem, especially for senior dogs.
In order to prevent that slipping and help with mobility and pain issues for older dogs, Julie invented Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips for Dogs.
The little colorful bands go onto the dog’s individual nails and provide traction.
“ToeGrips very rapidly restores the dog’s confidence; it’s the best thing ever,” Julie said about the product that she feels passionate about and has worked tirelessly to develop, patent, label and market.
She hopes ToeGrips work best for senior dogs with hind end weakness that slip on hardwood and tile floors, and for post-operative orthopedic cases.
So far, ToeGrips have really taken off and have been shipped to 27 states and Canada. They are sold by veterinarians in South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois and Pennsylvania.
For those interested in having their dogs professionally sized and fitted, contact the Animal Medical Center of the Lowcountry at 843-524-0198.
To order a pair or to find out more information, visit www.toegrips.com.

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