Local midwife celebrates 100th delivery, The Island News’ editor gives birth to healthy baby boy

Pamela, Daniel and Wolfe Brownstein with Donna Andrews

By Wendy Nilsen Pollitzer

Congratulations are due to proud parents Daniel and Pamela Brownstein. On January 10, 2012, Sanford Wolfe Brownstein was brought into this world weighing 7 pounds and measuring 21 inches in length.

Donna Andrews, who celebrated her 100th delivery with the Brownstein birth, delivered baby Wolfe. So, congratulations are extended to Andrews as well.

This birth is especially humbling to me. Knowing both the parents and Andrews, I was particularly excited to write an announcement.

Pamela Brownstein, editor of The Island News, initially met Donna Andrews at Coastal Obstetrics and Gynecology when Andrews took the first ultrasound at five weeks. Andrews remained Brownstein’s nurse throughout the entire pregnancy.

“She (Andrews) is so friendly and down to earth. She makes herself available to her patients. When my delivery date neared, she gave me her cell number and told me to text her if I went into labor or had any other questions,” Brownstein explained.

Andrews has been working at Coastal OB-GYN with Dr. Ardra Davis-Tolbert since July of 2010. She’s been a certified nurse-midwife since December of 2001, when she graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

Andrews has delivered 100 babies in Beaufort; yet she’s been involved with about double that amount, attending births and assisting her supporting physician, Dr. Davis-Tolbert. She’s worked and trained in several hospitals over the years and been inspired by midwives.

“I decided to go into midwifery because I loved everything about my job as a Labor and Delivery nurse in the birthing area of the hospital. Assisting a woman in birth is a very emotional situation. And the emotions can span from fear, pain and excitement, to bliss.  It is such an accomplishment for the mother regardless if the birth is vaginal or by surgical birth ‚ the first or the fifth—it is like climbing to the top of a mountain for that moment,” said Andrews.

Her 100th delivery was very special, of course. Throughout the nine month pregnancy, the Brownsteins formed a strong bond with Andrews during their visits to Coastal OB-GYN.

“I was glad she could be there with us for the birth of our baby, because we had developed a good relationship with her and we trusted her. She has quick hands too, because after 45 minutes of pushing, Baby Wolfe came out like a slingshot and Donna caught him,” exclaimed Brownstein.

Andrews described baby Wolfe’s birth: “I think my strongest emotion  when Wolfe was delivered was pure relief, then quickly followed by joy. That first cry is such beautiful music to my ears!”

Best wishes to the young family, and nice work on a job well done. Happy #100 Donna, and Happy #1 Pamela and Daniel.

For more information about midwifery, please visit the American College of Nurse-Midwives’ website at www.midwife.org.

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