By Peggy Chandler
The Royal Readers met at the home of Pat Davidyock, to discuss the book “Room” by Emma Donoghue. The book, though somewhat dark, is a story about the resilience of a woman kidnapped and held captive in an 11’ x 11’ room for seven years. The story told through the voice of her 5-year-old son, Jack, is brilliantly executed.

Recently, Royal Pines neighbors have had visitors here, while many have visited places around the world. Marianne and Don Hamilton were visited recently by Marianne’s sister and brother in law from Cleveland who spent their time shopping and dining and doing their share to help local economy. Kathy and Fred Fehlauer enjoyed a short visit from Fred’s sister, brother and sister-in-law from Milwaukee. Their reunion included visits to the Shrimp Shack, Penn Center, Hunting Island, Lady’s’ Island Country Club, antique shops and the Verdier House, plus hours of nostalgia-mongering: recalling their youthful exploits and embarrassments. Annette and Bob Rauenhorst and their three daughters cheered for Clemson at a recent game as they had a rare opportunity to all be at the same place at the same time! Cathy and Bob Wilson spent a long weekend in Pa. when they visited their son Chris and his family. Maryanne and Richard Bender enjoyed a Mediterranean cruise which included stops in Montenegro, Turkey, Venice, Greeks Isles, and Croatia. Frank and Carol Nocilla visited interesting cities in Italy while Marisa Sherard spent three weeks visiting her family and friends in her homeland, Italy. Maritza and Fred Schmidt visited their daughter Jessica and son in law Michael in Chicago where they welcomed new granddaughter Elisabeth Catherine Haught, born Sept. 27. Elisabeth’s paternal grandparents, who also reside in Royal Pines, are Bill and Marcy Haught.
The Royal Pines Garden Club met on October 13 at the Lady’s Island Country Club. Members then traveled to the Butterfly Enclosure at the Honey Horn Plantation, on Hilton Head. The Butterfly Enclosure is a 1,200-square-foot butterfly habitat home to some 13 species of native butterflies to the Lowcountry. Information was gained that the ladies will use when planning their own butterfly gardens. Members enjoyed lunch at a French Bakery on Hilton Head before returning home. Gardening tip: Now is the time to put your spring flower bulbs in the fridge until January and then plant them outside.
Employees of Lady’s Island Country Club, after procuring the proper licenses, captured an aggressive alligator. Afterward, the alligator was prepared by Chef Will and Raymond who cooked it in a variety of ways and then offered it to the employees.
Thank you to all who contributed “news” for this column. If you have news to share, please contact me at