Little Bits of Royal Chatter

By Peggy Chandler
On Thursday, a group of Royal Pines friends celebrated a “Big Birthday” for Amy Stoeffler. The group assembled at Lady’s Island Country Club for luncheon where they spent two hours eating, drinking and being merry.  The birthday girl was not surprised by her birthday luncheon, she was shocked!    Amy received lovely gifts from her friends, all different and unique.  Celebrating with Amy was Cathy Wilson, Nancy Steeves, Marie Colucci, Marianne Hamilton, Carol Clark, Marisa Sherard, Peggy Chandler, Marie Spencer, Audrey Novicki, Sherrie Suback and Mary Cieplowski. A long anticipated visit from Amy’s brother Robert Neill will add to her special day.

The Royal Readers met to discuss their most recent book club selection.  Pat Davidyock has taken over as leader of the book club and provided this review of their meeting:
“We met, yesterday at the home of Carol Wenzel. A wonderful lunch was provided by Carol followed by a discussion of the book, “Old Wives Tales” written by Arnold Bennett. This book was weighty but all the members agreed that the beauty of the book club is that we read books we might not have chosen for ourselves and a stimulating conversation ensues. All enjoyed the book and look forward to the next book “Room” by Emma Donoghue at our next meeting at the beach on Hunting Island.”  If you are interested in joining the Royal Readers, please contact Pat at Pat also extends the invitation to former members who would like to return.
Several Royal Pines residents recently spent a wonderful evening at the Waterfront Park to enjoy a concert by the Lt. Dan Band.  Then, on Saturday, at the parade celebrating the 300th birthday of Beaufort, the ladies of the Royal Pines Garden Club were carried along in a beautifully decorated float representing The Beaufort Council of Garden Clubs.
Marianne and Don Hamilton look forward to a visit by their son Jack. Jack, who resides in Chicago, is a seafood lover and fishing enthusiast, and what better place to visit and at the perfect time of the year.
Ryan Johnston, grandson of Carol and John Clark, recently won “Lexington Blueberry Festival Idol” contest. Ryan competed with the song “God Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts. This was Ryan’s first time competing in the Blueberry Idol contest. He was quoted as saying, ”I just like to sing. I want to do it professionally someday”.  Ryan’s mom Sherri is also a talented singer as is his Grandma Carol. If any in the family ever wins a dance contest, we’ll give Grandpa John the credit!
If you have a tidbit to share, contact

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