Levitating out of life’s ruts – the formula

By Shafiya Eve

In July 2014, the urge to move on to the next leg of my pilgrimage arose. As I began planning where, when and how, a great fear enveloped me, so much so that I questioned even being on this journey. This fear raised its monstrous head and began devouring me alive. Every nerve cell in my body felt fried and fraught with uncertainty. The fear brought pictures of worst-case scenarios. I felt doomed and shattered.  This was an old familiar feeling. It was my “rut” at the moment.

Many moons ago I was in an old truck with someone else driving on a deeply rutted, muddy country road. The channels were so deep that the driver was unable to get the truck out of the tracks. We were being battered about. He turned the steering wheel sharply in an attempt to escape and the steering column broke. My analogy: When you get in an emotional fix, trying to fight from within the rut will only beat you up and break you down.

So how do we get out of a messy, defeating, impossible rut? Levitate, using your free will!! Don’t even try navigating that road any longer. Free will, choosing our thoughts, images and feelings is a long lost art for humanity in creating the life of our dreams.

I looked at the fear and there were associated pictures/images playing out from these thoughts and consequential negative feelings. I clearly saw the negative thoughts and said to it without judgment, “Isn’t that interesting? I doubt that!” and I really did doubt it. The fear thoughts had been showing me images resulting in negative feelings and I realized I could use my mind and my choice in thoughts to create images and call forth feelings that were in alignment with my dream for this journey. It’s called, using my Free Will. I imbued the thoughts and images with the desired feelings of adventure, joy and security. I held these new thoughts, images and feelings up to the Divine that we co-create this together.

There are three aspects to negative fears and these same aspects must be used to create your dreams.  There is thought, images and feelings. For most of us the negative thoughts and images happen in a nanosecond almost beyond our awareness but the feelings loom large. Contemplate those feelings and let the thoughts and images show themselves. Once gaining clear insight into the negative pattern, look that fear square in the eye and say “Isn’t that interesting? I doubt that!” You are half way there.

Following on the heels of this declaration, use the free will and choose a positive thought and create new images. Call up those inspired images in vivid detail and open to the feelings of this new reality of thinking. Take great pleasure and savor the feelings of the new and desired thoughts and images until they are internalized into every cell of your being.

Our fear ruts have slippery slopes which have etched neural pathways into our brain, and it’s so easy, because of habit, to slide back to the fear. I continued this process over and over again. Any time the fear tried to suck me back into its rut it was easily dispelled by “Isn’t that interesting? I doubt that!” and choosing a positive thought, going to the images of my making, of the beautiful dream, the feelings they evoke and holding them up to the Divine. There is no “fear thought” more powerful than a positive thought held up to the Divine. As a matter of fact, simply holding a positive thought aligns you with the Divine.

That evening lying in bed I again imagined the joy before me unfolding in the Sacred Mind. All the fear was gone. I awoke in the morning smiling.

An inner stillness has been born and peace is growing.

Shafiya Eve is a Transformative Energy Practitioner offering sessions in Beaufort, SC and by Phone nationally, for life enhancing shifts to a higher state of being. She employs Reiki, as a Master/Teacher, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Visioning Time Travel and Zen Tarot Readings call (843) 986-8704 or visit www.ShafiyaEve.com to learn more or schedule a session.

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