Letters to the Editor


The history of Washington Street Park

In the latter part of 1941, a group of black citizens purchased and donated parcels of property that now constitutes a park known as the Washington Street Park. The property was acquired by the Beaufort County Recreational Center for Negro Children. The acquisition was necessary because public elected officials at that time and previously failed to provide recreational facilities for African-American children. The deeds were recorded in the Office of the RMC for Beaufort County in Book 159 at page 106 and Book 54 at Page 428.

In 1959, the Beaufort County Recreational Center for Negro Children entered into a long-term lease with the Youth Center Inc., – the lease was recorded on July 8, 1959, in the office of the RMC for Beaufort County at Lease Book L-5 at Page 314.

On Jan. 9, 1993, the two organizations merged into The Beaufort County Community Center. By deed dated Sept. 21, 2012 and recorded in the Registry of Deeds for Beaufort County in Book 3176 at Page 1310, the Beaufort County Recreational Center for Negro Children transferred all its rights to The Beaufort County Community Center.

On Sept. 15, 2017, The Beaufort County Community Center granted to the City of Beaufort a 30-year lease.

From the 1940s, this playground was home to community functions, church revivals, Decoration Day fairs, Easter egg hunts, etc. Sometime in the late 50s or early 60s, the City began to make minor improvements to this playground.

Since April 2018, the City has installed bathrooms and new playground equipment. The city has a plan for a new pavilion, and new basketball courts for which it has received grants. At no time did the City own the property known as the Washington Street Park. However, the City has a long term lease and is obligated to improve the park for public recreational purposes. The obvious intent of the lease is to maximize the park consistent with parks in other neighborhoods.

– Dan Blackmon, President, Northwest Quadrant Neighborhood Association

The Island News is my favorite

I have traveled to all 50 states multiple times. Read every big and small newspaper. I’ve lived here in Beaufort, S.C., for 16 years. 

The Island News is my favorite newspaper. First is the veteran of the week. What an honor for these men and women who have served our country and many have gone on to serve the community in other careers. My father went through Parris Island and was fighting in the Korean War when I was born.

I love your featured writers – Terry Manning and Carol Lucas. Their thoughts are spot on. It is amazing in this deep red state for a newspaper to have the courage to feature writers who are defiantly not conservatives. I pray their musings will give MAGA people food for thought in reality, not alternative facts.

I must address Lindsey Graham. Watch his televised beat downs of Trump. Then when Trump was elected, Lindsey couldn’t lick Trump’s feet fast enough. What happened to the small government, strong military, fiscal responsibility, Lindsey? He voted for a $2 trillion tax break for the wealthiest people and corporations. Nothing for us. 

Starting with Reagan’s trickle-down economics, every Republican administration has put us in deep debt. Every Democratic administration has lowered the debt. Including Clinton who handed Bush a surplus. But Bush put us back in debt.

Please my fellow South Carolinians, expand your options in news to better inform yourself.

– Don Raymond Cass, Beaufort

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