Protecting our children

The No. 1 cause of death among children in the United States is gun violence. It pains me to even write this. This has surpassed deaths by cancer, other diseases, auto accidents and other accidental deaths. The U.S. is No. 1 among all countries in this cause of death. This is verified by the CDC, JAMA board of psychiatry, and the Annals of Internal Medicine.

It appears that this should be the most preventable cause of death. Not so. Our S.C. House of Representatives has promoted a bill to increase access to guns with virtually no accountability. No permit or training required, and open carry of weapons in our community will now be emboldened. Hopefully the senate will reject this bill. Their rational is “This will open up options for families to protect-themselves without permit.” Statistics prove otherwise regarding increased deaths by accidents, suicides and homicides when guns are in the home. This is not to disparage the majority of individuals who responsibly own firearms in the home for protection or recreational activities. This is not a second amendment issue.It is an important health issue affecting our children. 

This bill however gives license to irresponsible or uneducated gun ownership, no permit or training required. It also lowers the age of permit-less open carry from the age of 21 to 18. It is no accident that auto insurance premiums are much higher for ages 18 to 21. They are aware of poor impulse control among this age group.

Yes, the leading cause of death among children in this country is by gun violence.

Our representatives are all about protecting our children. Their priorities appear to be more about banning books and the restriction of teaching facts from our national history which could make their children feel uncomfortable, at the cost of critical thinking skills.

Elections have consequences.

– Charlie Nutting, Beaufort

In reference to Nazis

In a recent letter to the Editor a writer has determined that anyone who challenges the books available in our school libraries is a book burning Nazi.

Where are the pyres topped with books being set aflame? What helpless countries are under a deadly Blitz? What Race is suffering genocide at the hands of those who question the content of taxpayer provided books.

In today’s world if one disagrees with the Left one is accused of being a Nazi or a Racist. Nazi sympathizers and Racists are despicable. They should be confronted and condemned.

When those words are used (by a group) to describe anyone that disagrees with (that group’s) views, (that group is) lying to (itself). The true meaning of a Nazi or Racist should never be diluted.

Another letter writer bemoans the lack of Government regulation of our industries and commerce. I am old enough to remember when we had one phone company. Railroads, trucking, and airlines were all under strict government control. I prefer free enterprise and the lower costs resulting from competition. Regulations to protect the environment and worker safety should be adequate and enforced. Our economy should not be strangled with Federal, State, and local

I am reminded of two quotes that say how I feel much better than I can describe on my own. Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” Tacitus, a Roman politician and historian said “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”

– L. Vinny Francese, Beaufort

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