Experts at spreading misinformation, lies

This letter to the editor is specifically addressing Anthony R. Scott’s two edition manifesto.

To quote Scott: “Irish, Indian and African doctors, German engineers and many others among those seeking legal entry into this country, who want to immigrate to the U.S., must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern border are welcomed by the socialist liberal Democrats of the Biden/Harris administration.”

Please, stop with your xenophobic (almost racist) rantings of our present, dysfunctional immigration programs caused by the present, “socialist” administration. People like you have become experts at presenting misinformation and veiled lies as truth. I cannot even take the time required to address the hypocrites of citizens like you, who seem to long for Trump’s (proven) corrupt life in leadership, not to mention the deceit and cruelness of leaders like DeSantis, Abbott, Graham, McCarthy and Cruz, just to mention a few.

All you people seem to do is criticize and complain just to fuel anger and discontent with your like-minded enablers. You and these leaders mentioned have not offered a single solution to this country’s woefully inadequate immigration policies other than: Don’t let them in and lock them up if they cross into the U.S., while separating them from their children. Of course, deceiving them, shipping them up north and abandoning them is fine with you guys, while offering welcomes to the creme of immigrant professionals. Thank God you weren’t in charge of Ellis Island from 1892 through 1954.

And finally, another quote from within your “researched “percentages: “14.3%: The ratio of the U.S. population born abroad, unseen in 112 years”. What does that even mean? Please stop writing, just enjoy your retirement and work on your yard.

– Tim Wood, Beaufort

A thank you note

Thank you Beaufort County Election Officials and staff for your nonpartisan and ethical conduct of years of safe, secure, fraud-free elections (including 2020), and thanks for your patient pushback against the recent nuisance FOIA requests by some sad delusional folks still in denial about the true results of that election. This includes the likes of self-appointed election expert Seth Keshel, whose associations with the likes of Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn and other proponents of the “Big Lie” suggests why his Army experience in military intelligence might qualify as an oxymoron.

Your reporter Tony Kukulich has done a public service in putting light on the behavior of these folks who are a direct threat to our democracy. Now we just need our judicial system to put the lid on such malicious efforts in South Carolina and across the country. Vote in November!

– Timothy Dodds, Lady’s Island

Don’t do it

Dear Patriots, why would anyone engage in raising more money for the Donald J. Trump Defense Fund; think about it, we are currently looking at eight investigations. Do we want to save this sagging ego who continues to rail against the constraints of reason?

He’s now capable of declassifying secret documents by merely thinking about it. Think about it, if his golf scores were as below-par as his mental acuity, he’d no doubt be on the Saudi-backed golf tour. If the cheese is falling off your cracker and you still insist on supporting an intellectual curiosity that can pass through the eye of a needle, then, by all means mail your $20-a-month (67cents per day) check. Send it to the Chairman of The Department of The Redundancy Department, Pluto, Twilight Zone, @ #+s%*#+x, … or perhaps, simply hand deliver.

– Gene Cox

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