An idea for funding National Cemetery irrigation repair

I’m writing on behalf of my garden club, the Lady’s Island Garden Club.

I’ll bet most people don’t know that one of the community projects taken on by all clubs who’re a part of the Beaufort Council of Garden Clubs is the planting of flower beds at the entrance to and within our National Cemetery. Plants, bulbs, etc., are purchased and planted twice a year, which takes time, toil, and treasure. These clubs have fundraisers to acquire the funds for this and other community projects.

At my Club’s last meeting, the chairman of the committee for this project reported her disappointment that the sprinkler system was still not working in one of our beds, so she pulled the weeds and left with a heavy heart because she felt once again that our efforts had been wasted because the bulbs that should have been blooming weren’t even out of the ground. I don’t know how many clubs are experiencing this same problem, but I doubt that our plot is the only one with the problem and I have a suggestion for funding the much-needed repairs to the irrigation system.

I believe every State, County, and City in the U.S. has received millions in monies from one of the Federal Acts where trillions were designated for COVID relief. These governmental entities have been looking for projects (on which) to spend the money, and I have to wonder why we can’t get a small donation from all four governmental bodies involved (Federal, State, County, and City) and get the irrigation system repaired for the entire cemetery, but prioritize the planted beds which enhance the beauty of the Cemetery. I know all members of the Council of Garden Clubs will appreciate the help to get this done, and I’m thinking the community at large will also be grateful.

– Edie Rodgers, Beaufort

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