Lady’s Island National Junior Honor Society adopts Columbia school in need

SCHOOLS - LIMSThe National Junior Honor Society of Lady’s Island Middle School adopted Crayton Middle School in Columbia, SC for their fall service project. Many CMS families were affected by the recent flooding and our NJHS led a drive to assist the students of CMS. The theme of their service project was “We’ve got your back, Crayton!” and they collected backpacks and school supplies brought in by LIMS students & faculty. The students in the picture starting at the top and moving clockwise are Joshua Aiken, Sean Moran, Sarah Geisler, Nicole Hamner, Reanna Konarski, Kiani Wright, Payton Alexander, Keara White and Skyler Rodriguez. The NJHS sponsors are Lori Howell and Hope Rugemalira.

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ART Watercolor workshop 11 a.m to 2 p.m., Saturday, March 22, Morris Center For Lowcountry Heritage,