Ladies First Mentoring Program has end-of-year dinner on Dataw

The Ladies First Mentoring Program for Young Women at Beaufort High School is a personal and educational development program to empower young women to aspire toward higher education through the creation of self-awareness and positive self-esteem building activities. Seminars have been presented on various topics such as self-image, respect, time management, leadership, health, study skills and goal setting, social media responsibility, bullying, etiquette, and future aspirations. Teachers and staff members serve as mentors for the girls, exposing them to experiences that will help them reach their goals.

School-BHS LadiesOn Thursday, May 22, Ladies First mentors and mentees had their end-of-the year dinner on Dataw Island, where the girls used skills they learned in their etiquette class. They were required to dress in black or white. They participated in a “Mix and Mingle,” had a delicious dinner, and listened to a keynote address by BHS counselor Aswan Holmes. Residents of Dataw Island sponsored the dinner by making donations of over $1,000. The evening was organized by Tarsha Smith, Susan Mitchell, Margie Simmons, and Shelia Cato.

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