Kiwanis Club of Beaufort awards scholarships

On Thursday, June 12, the Kiwanis Club of Beaufort awarded scholarships to four recently graduated high school seniors who have excelled academically and exemplify leadership in their school and community.

Caroline Avera attended Beaufort Academy where she graduated with 4.51 GPA and scored very high on her SATs. She was President of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at her school, participated on the Math team competing in SCISA meets. She was on the varsity swim team and in her junior and senior years swam at state competitions. She was part of Students

From left: Dr. Chip Floyd, Beaufort Kiwanis Scholarship Committee Chair; Ariona Russell; Caroline Avera; Alexis Myers; Olivia Durban; and Bob Bundy, Beaufort Kiwanis President.
From left: Dr. Chip Floyd, Beaufort Kiwanis Scholarship Committee Chair; Ariona Russell; Caroline Avera; Alexis Myers; Olivia Durban; and Bob Bundy, Beaufort Kiwanis President.

Against Drunk Drivers, Interact Club and yearbook committee. She has sung in her church choir since age 7, and has worked through progressive levels of music theory now with a yellow ribbon. In 2013 she traveled to the Dominican Republic and taught Vacation Bible School while being totally immersed in the Spanish language. Through out high school she taught Bible Study at her church for middle school girls. In 2010 she participated in a mission trip with her church working with the handicapped. Caroline has also worked after school in a day care program for preschoolers. Caroline plans to apply for a work/study job in order to pay her way through college.

Ariona Russell graduated from Battery Creek High School with a 4.6 GPA and excellent SAT scores. She was a member of the NAtional Honor Society, NHS for the Arts, played in the Beaufort Youth Orchestra, competed on the track team, was on the cheer team, was a member of SADD, sang in her Gospel Choir, and was a member of Future Business Leaders of America. She worked as a health assistant to the nurse in her school, was the manager of the Drama Club, and was in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Ethos United Christian Club, and worked in Special Olympics and Toys for Tots. Ariona’s public service included Relay for Life, tutoring children in Math and Spanish, working at the homeless shelter and volunteering at Migrant Vacation Bible School.

Ariona accomplished all this while also working part time at the Piggly Wiggly. She is interested in health related research in the area of nanotechnology.

Alexis Myers attended both Battery Creek High School and the Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics where she maintained a 4.5 GPA and also scored very well on her SAT. She was a varsity cheerleader, was a distance runner on the track team, and played varsity soccer. She was a member of Future Business Leaders of America, the student government, and played in the strings ensemble. At the Governor’s school she was in the Fun Without Drugs Club, Student Activities Board, Yearbook Committee, and worked as a summer research intern in chemistry at USC. She was a Water Festival Pirette, tutored Math for 4 years.

Alexis worked part time at Publix during the school year. She has a special interest in chemistry and hopes to pursue research in the field.

Olivia Durban attended Beaufort High School where she earned a remarkable 5.2 GPA with a very high score on the ACT. Olivia, like all the scholarship recipients, took the most difficult course loads with many advanced AP courses. She was in the student Senate for 4 years and was its President. She sang in the wonderful Beaufort Voices Choir, worked in the theater, played varsity soccer, was on the school improvement council, and on her Church mission committee.

Olivia is a Palmetto Scholar, National Scholar Athlete, AP Scholar, science fair winner, and for 3 years was in the ALL State Choir. In the community she was part of a traveling ensemble that presented an anti-bullying workshop, worked for breast cancer awareness, volunteered to help the elderly in her church, participated in mission trips, worked a the Tabby House caring for animals, and was a character in the Beaufort Ghost Tours for CAPA.

Olivia worked part time at Market St. Management Group and as a bagger at Publix. She is interested in studying medicine.

This year marks the 18th consecutive year scholarships have been awarded by the club through funds raised through the annual Beaufort Kiwanis Club Scholarship Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will be held Saturday, Sept. 20 at the Ocean Point Golf Club at Fripp Island Resort.

For more information about the club and the scholarship program, visit

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