By Pamela Brownstein
The Second Island Girls Night Out was held Wednesday, February 5, at The Clothes Line, located in the former Beaufort Liquidation building at 164 Robert Small Parkway. The store — which features a huge selection of brand name clothes, shoes and accessories, especially women’s handbags, at deeply discounted prices — was the perfect setting for the event that attracted more than 100 people throughout the evening with door prizes, a fashion show and buy one, get one free shopping deals.
Special thanks to Irene Goodnight who, in addition to being the MC, made this night possible by coordinating the fashion show and collecting door prizes from local businesses that were generous enough to donate items. Kudos also to Ginger Wareham with Picklejuice Productions for decorating the store and marketing the event; to the staff at The Clothes Line for working late, especially Manager Rich Tritschler and Nancy Navarro; to Pamela Lombardi who helped backstage at the fashion show; to the volunteer models in the fashion show — Mary Hughes, Jane Krebs, Carol Cobb, Angel Nelson and Latasha Perkins; and especially to Mayor Billy Keyserling who owns The Clothes Line and worked at the event pouring wine and keeping glasses full. And thanks again to all the businesses that donated door prizes.
Southern Graces Catering provided yummy hors d’oeuvres such as smoked salmon and cream cheese “lollipops,” mini-caprese skewers with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella drizzled with a basil aioli, little cups with slender sticks of vegetables in ranch dressing, and of course their signature cupcakes.
The crowded parking lot revealed the growing popularity of Island Girls Night Out, and inside the store the atmosphere was lively with women (and some men) shopping, watching the fashion show, making connections, networking, and having fun. And really, isn’t that what it’s all about?
Save the date for the next Island Girls Night Out to be held Wednesday, March 12 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Fordham Market on Bay Street in downtown Beaufort.
Here are some pics from last week’s event:

Congratulations to all those who attended and received fabulous prizes, just for showing up! Here is a list of some of the winners and what they won:
• Jordan Norris: Art from Greenfish
• Brenda Powell: Linen pillowcases from High Cotton
• Ginny Bankov: Soap and lotion
• Bonnie Dunbar: Two wine glasses from Mary Thibault Gallery
• Mary Tiller: Lands End Kayak Tours and Bug Juice by Greenbug
• Brenda Singleton: A scarf from The Clothes Line
• Ree Williams: A Kate Spade cell phone case from The Clothes Line
• Shirley Martin: A hat from Bay Street Outfitters
• Lynn Shirley: A gift certificate to Halo Salon
• Barbara Stanley: Southern Sweets
• Tina Fripp: A gift certificate for Guys & Dolls
• April Ackerman: A package of Avon products
• Mary Hughes: A gift certificate to Halo Salon
• Barbara: A candle votive holder from The Clothes Line
• Connie: A pen and ink drawing by Tina Fripp
• Shannon: Shea Butter
• Deron: A kazoo basket
• Eileen: Chocolate covered strawberries by Chocolate Therapy
• Nancy: A stuffed bear from Consign & Design
• Brandi: Necklace and earrings
• Arleda: Necklace from Modern Jewelers
• Claudia: Mary Kay products
• Teresa: Bronze spray tan by Mimi
• Marlene: Gift certificate to Fordham Market
• George: Basket from Kathleen with Tasty Basket
• Nick: Reflections old and new, donated by Arbonne Consultant Linda Von Harten.