Installation of fire sprinklers in CAPA shelter on Saturday

Beginning at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, February 14th, Beaufort-Port Royal firefighters and fire engineers will install a fire protection sprinkler system at the CAPA shelter for abused children in Port Royal. Beaufort Fire Chief Sammy Negron reached out to the Savannah River Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers to partner on the sprinkler installation. The engineer association sets aside funding for community projects such as the CAPA House. Ralph Foster, former president of the Savannah Chapter, will bring 12 volunteers to assist with the sprinkler installation, alongside 12 Beaufort-Port Royal firefighters, Negron said.

“Installing this fire protection sprinkler system is our way to help protect these children and their families, and to help protect our community,” Negron said. “This is an important project for CAPA, but it’s an important project for us as members of this community.” The entire project is being completed at no cost to the Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA) through volunteers, grants obtained by CAPA and support of the Savannah River Chapter of Fire Protection Engineers, the Town of Port Royal, the Beaufort-Port Royal Fire Department and the Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority.

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