Inner Beauty 101: Think pink, think smart, think right

By Takiya Smith
With a little more than two weeks left in the month of October, but a life-long journey before us, I want to focus on the national theme of this month being Breast Cancer Awareness. “Think Pink” is the thought-provoking, coined term that has sparked a revolution amongst communities across America. Everyone of us man, woman or child can think of at least one person in our lives who has been affected by some form of cancer.  Whether it be a best friend, a child, a neighbor, a spouse or even oneself, cancer has been known to have no limitations, boundaries or prejudices. In the midst of such, there is hope and comfort to be found.
When we think and speak of beauty immediately our minds conjure up images of dolled up faces, beautiful women, gorgeous hair and the likes of such things associated.  Yet, there is a beauty so deeply rooted within us, that sometimes we, ourselves, tend to overlook and neglect.  Inner beauty can be defined on so many levels, however, what I speak of today is our health. Regular physical health check ups, such as mammograms, pap smears, cholesterol, and blood pressure are just a few simple early-detection and preventative measures that could ultimately save our lives.
Looking good does assist in feeling good, but let’s not forget that the key to looking good begins with feeling good.  Obtaining proper self-care, as important as it is, often times is a last resort only when our bodies begin to give off tell-tale signs of illness. Fatigue, weight fluctuation and a plethora of symptoms red flag our bodies, yet, common to most, time and time again we brush them off with thoughtless comments and overshadow them with excuses.
This month, and for the rest of your lives, I challenge you to see the beauty within as well.  Take your inner health just as seriously as you do your outer beauty and see your physician regularly.  Grab a gal pal or two and make a day of it.  As women, we are always looking for an opportune girls day out so why not add our health to the list? Make October more than a month to remember by making it a tradition to begin life anew.  Shatter negative statistics and create a buzz because, literally, your life depends on it.

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