Hunting (for eggs) on Hunting Island – The Island News – Beaufort, SC
Getting ready for the start of the 4th annual Easter Egg Hunt at Hunting Island State Park.

Hunting (for eggs) on Hunting Island

Nearly 800 children accompanied by their parent or grandparents, gathered near the light house on Hunting Island State Park for the 4th annual Easter Egg Hunt. The event, sponsored by the Park and Friends of Hunting Island, was free to public. The only caveat was have a lot of fun but remember to return the 2,000 hand stuffed, plastic eggs for use next year, according to Daniel Gambrell, park manager. “We started the egg hunt at the campground”, Gambrell said. But it was such an instant success, they decided to move it to the open area near the light house so everybody could take advantage of the event, he said.

“It’s a fun outing for the kids and their families” said Gambrell, noting that participation has sky-rocketed since its inception.

Photos by Bob Sofaly

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