How to read nutrition facts labels


If you’ve ever read the nutrition facts on the back of packaged food, then you know there’s a whole lot of information listed and that can be overwhelming if you don’t know what it all means. 

Beth Czerwony, RD, registered dietitian for Cleveland Clinic, has some tips to keep in mind when grocery shopping. 

“The biggest thing is looking at the portion size because it can be confusing,” said Czerwony. “Food labels have morphed over time, so you may see two food labels on the back of a package. One is for the entire package and one is for that actual serving.” 

She said everyone is going to be looking for different things on the nutrition facts label. 

For example, someone with diabetes may pay special attention to the added sugars and total carbohydrates. 

Meanwhile, someone doing keto may be more focused on the fat content. 

As far as what to avoid, she recommends that you steer clear of any foods that have saturated fats and trans fats in them. 

On the flip side, you should pay attention to the fiber; the more the better

She said it can be helpful to set some parameters for yourself ahead of time, like how many calories you want to consume. 

That way you know exactly what to look for and won’t get overwhelmed. 

“Sometimes you have to make compromises, sometimes you have to make the best decision based on what that food is and what’s available and kind of go from there,” she said. “But, over time as you become more proficient in it, and you have a better idea of certain brands and certain stores, it’s going to be a little easier. In the very beginning, it does take a little bit of time and a little bit of investigation to know what you’re looking for.”  

She notes it’s important to look at both sides of packaged food because what’s advertised on the front may not include everything that’s actually inside.   

And when in doubt, it’s best to consult with a dietitian who can create a specific plan for your needs. 

Source: July 17, 2024
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