Second Trimester Academic Honors for Beaufort Academy
Headmaster’s List (all A’s)
5th grade: Piper Beasley, Campbell Dukes, Quinn Fleming, Emma Hincher, David Mathai, Joe Stowe.
6th grade: Joe Bhoi, Kate Gray, Drew Luckey, Alex Mazzeo, Sarah Suber, Will Warren.
7th grade: Hope Gray, Amanda Kahn, William Lindsay, Skyler Nuelle, Katie Smith.
8th grade: Mary Margaret Achurch, Jake Bhoi, Maya Dixon, Anna Sheppard, Sarah Sheppard, Rosie Stewart.
9th grade: McKenzie Blake, Xavia Lemott, John Mathai, Xavier Westergaard.
10th grade: Caroline Fontenot, Patrick Mazzeo, Rebecca Strawn.
11th grade: Conner Akers.
12th grade: Michael Bible, Sarah Chahin, Katherine Neal.
Honor Roll (all A’s and B’s)
5th grade: Margaret Aimar, Wells Bowden, Joshua Bhoi, Anna Daubert, Herbert Gray, Gracie Guest, Hunter Harley, Lawrence Lindsay, Nelson McMillen, Caroline Moss, Miciah Pendarvis, Daniel Richards.
6th grade: Sarah Blocker, Micaela Borreggine, Abby Dalton, Lane Harrell, Nathaniel Kilcoyne, Rahzel Lemott, John Manos, Kathleen Simkins, Peter Trask, Jennings Tumlin.
7th grade: Preston Coleman, Mary Keane, Gavin Palmer, Will Turner, Jackson Warren.
8th grade: Cali Blocker, Will Dukes, Kirsten Floyd, MacMillan Griffith, Jock Joyce, Alec Melville, Ting O’Regan, Cain Richards, Michael Schwartz, Frances Stowe.
9th grade: Bridget Baggerly, Michael Bass, Mike Bhoi, Brynna Ferry, Katie Gay, Ben Hetherington, Casey Kahn, Drummond Koppernaes, Jackson Miller, Jack Olsson, George Sanford, Natalie Simkins, Taylor Vincent.
10th grade: Caroline Avera, Zach Bachtell, Jack Dailey, Jeffrey Miller, Lauren Noonan, Nicole Schmiege, Miranda Weslake.
11th grade: Mary Catherine Carmody, Megan DeBardelaben, Charlotte Delfosse, Tommy Fang, Lawton Harper, Charlie Humphries, Hope Keane, Finn Koppernaes, Laura Roddey, Charles Sanford, Grace Stewart.
12th grade: Adam Chahin, Nathan Cheung, Madeline Griffith, Megan Kahn, JaneAnn Laffitte, Shelby Mixson, Eric Nguyen, Kelly Schnaubelt, Payton Turner.
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