Holy Trinity brings home drama awards


The middle school One-Act Team from Holy Trinity Classical Christian School swept the awards at the S.C. Independent School Association (SCISA) State Drama Festival on Thursday, Nov. 21, in Sumter, winning for Best Play, Best Actor, and Best Actress.

The play, “The Woman in the Gray Feathered Hat,” was written and directed by Elizabeth Booman, Head of Drama and a second-grade teacher at Holy Trinity. In addition to taking first place in the competition for the team’s performance, students Patrick Smith and Rostan Baisch took home trophies for Best Actor and Best Actress.

Holy Trinity took first place in the regional competition on Nov. 5 and competed against the winners from the remaining two regions in S.C. in order to bring home the state title this week.

Founded in 2012, Holy Trinity Classical Christian School provides students with a Christian and classical education, serving more than 370 students from more than a dozen churches in the Beaufort community. The school will graduate its first senior class in the spring of 2020.


The middle school One-Act Team from Holy Trinity Classical Christian School swept the awards at the S.C. Independent School Association State Drama Festival. Pictured, from left to right, are (back) Spencer A. Jordan (SCISA Executive Director), Cate Gaillard, Macie Bruce Mohler, Banks Bozard, (middle) Nora Jane Mayo, Chloe Miles, Samantha Lawrence, Hayden Strawn, Zayda Pruit (front) Bryant Salley, Amelia Burrus, Rostan Baisch, Tia Larrimore, Aimee Jo Spitzer, Gray Chumney, Jaak Aho and (kneeling) Patrick Smith.

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