Hilton Head Island ‘Circle to Circle’ Committee to hold forums

The Circle to Circle Committee was chartered by Town Council to develop an area plan for the area extending from Grayco through Sea Pines Circle area and on to the Coligny Circle area. The charter included developing a long-term vision and addressing challenges with traffic and parking.

The Committee will hold a total of four community forums on June 1st and 2nd to share the conclusions reached by the Committee and to gather input before recommendations are finalized to the Planning Commission and Town Council.

The Committee and urban planning consultants from Design Workshop will share background and both short-term and longer term approaches to addressing issues identified in earlier community forums conducted last May. Topics to be addressed include: congestion at Sea Pines Circle, parking issues at Coligny, growing pedestrian and bicycle congestion and others. A long-term vision for possible evolution of the area will also be presented.

Four forums will be held with one at Town Hall and three in communities directly adjacent to the Circle to Circle corridor. The session at Town Hall will also be broadcast on The County Channel, and will be available on demand from the Town website.

The forum schedule is as follows:

June 1st

  • Shipyard Plantation Beach House: 8:30 AM
  • Town Hall – Benjamin M. Racusin Council Chambers: 2:00 PM
  • Forest Beach – Coligny Theater: 7:00 PM

June 2nd

  • Sea Pines – CSA Community Center: 3:30 PM

Exhibits will be available for viewing 30 minutes before the start of each meeting.

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