HBF holds annual meeting

Making redevelopment work in the historic district through collaboration will be the topic of Historic Beaufort Foundation’s 45th Annual Meeting March 19, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the USCB Center for the Arts, 801 Carteret St.

Many more people these days want to live within walking distance of shopping, restaurants, and other amenities.  This is good news for older downtowns, but can be a headache in historic town centers where new development raises fears of greater height, more traffic, and incompatibility.

“Fitting In: Accommodating Growth in Places of Exceptional Historic Character” will be discussed by Mary Means, who has been helping historic communities deal with life in their downtowns for most of her career, as the creator of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street program and heading Mary Means & Associates, a firm known for “building bridges between plans and people.”

Extensive redevelopment plans afoot in the National Historic District, most notably the Downtown Marina Parking Lot and a parking garage are creating questions and concerns. Means will discuss those projects but upfront believes economic development can be accomplished within the context of preservation and that preservation contributes to the economic vitality of communities.

The public is invited to participate in HBF’s annual recognition of top preservation projects and preservationists. The program will be followed by a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception. Tickets are $15 and reservations should be made in advance by calling the HBF office at 843-379-3331.

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