‘Grinding of the Greens’ program expands

This year, Beaufort County residents can bring their old Christmas tree to any County Convenience Center, Yard Waste Bin, during normal center hours.  Additional sites are available through the generosity and support of local businesses and municipalities.

Keep Beaufort County Beautiful and Beaufort County Public Works streamlined the program this year to add convenience for residents and reduce overall costs. County yard waste is converted to boiler fuel for energy generation so please remember to remove ornaments, lights, etc. from your trees before recycling them.

Beaufort County Solid Waste Manager Jim Minor said, “We discovered that very little of the fresh mulch was picked up by residents and the bulk had to be removed by Public Works crews after the event.  Using these trees for energy generation is a much greener approach and will dramatically reduce the overall carbon foot print of this event while increasing to 18 sites for recycling of trees.”

For more information, go to www.bcgov.net or contact Carol Murphy, Beaufort County Recycling/Keep Beaufort County Beautiful Coordinator, at 843-255-2734.

Bring your Christmas tree to any County Convenience Center, Yard Waste Bin from December 24, 2013, through January 11, 2014.

Here are some additional drop off locations north of the Broad:

• Naval Heritage Park: by the Naval Hospital on Ribaut Road. Sponsored by the Town of Port Royal and Southern Tree Services. Tree mulch available to public January 11, 2014.

• City of Beaufort: Trees will be collected curbside.

• LCR Wood Waste and Recycling Center (open Tuesday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) 58 Chesapeake Road (Parris Island Gateway Near Picket Fences). Trees ground into yard mulch.

• Barnwell Resources (Open daily from 6:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.) at 490 Brickyard Point Road South, Lady’s Island. Tree grindings used for landfill cover.

• Family Christmas Tree Farm (open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at Pleasant Point Road, Lady’s Island. Trees used for wildlife habitat.

• Evergreen Recycling: Open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 2845 N Okatie Hwy, Ridgeland, SC, 29936. Trees converted to boiler fuel for energy generation.

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