By Billy Holland
As followers of Christ, we have the opportunity to become as close to God as we desire, and the result is an increased spiritual sensitivity where we can recognize and understand what God is saying. I’ve spoken with many Christians about this, and very few develop a habit of intentionally listening to the Holy Spirit for an increased spiritual awareness of His presence?
Discerning wisdom that is hidden from our earthly understanding is having a desire to be led by God according to what we sense He wants to reveal to us. The Lord asked Solomon what he desired, and the king replied “Spiritual wisdom and discernment” which pleased God.
The majority who were raised with traditional Christian doctrines accept Biblical prophecy, but for the most part, believe this ability has passed away. Since many are taught cessationism theology they naturally do not seek to be used in these gifts, all the while singing songs about opening our spiritual eyes and being filled with His Spirit. Which, by the way, is the empowerment for spiritual fruits and gifts.
In John 16:13 we read, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” This subject is critically important as it’s directly involved with our personal relationship with our Lord.
For example, when we hold a tiny baby in our arms, can we literally discern how devoted they will be to God, or do we just feel the natural and physical possibilities with our emotions? In Luke Chapter 2, we read about an individual named Simeon who was a spiritually dedicated man of prayer and fasting and is described in Verse 25, as “righteous and devout with the Holy Spirit upon him.”
He was there when Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus (who was probably no more than a month old) to be dedicated at the temple, according to the Law of Moses. God had promised this elderly man that he would not pass away until he had seen the King of Kings, and on the day that Mary and Joseph went to the temple, Simeon encountered the divine appointment of meeting this special family.
When he looked at Jesus, he reached out and held him and said, “For with my eyes I have seen the Lord’s salvation.” Simeon proceeded to prophesy over the child, and even though Mary and Joseph were already aware that Jesus was the Savior of the world, they still marveled at Simeon’s words. How did he know?
Allow us to pause a moment and realize this man could have only recognized the Christ child if he had been walking with a high level of spiritual sensitivity. Mary and Joseph appeared to be just another normal family that blended in with the massive crowd and yet Simeon immediately identified the one called Emmanuel.
Later in the same chapter, we learn about an elderly prophetess named Anna who also worshiped and prayed to God in the temple night and day. She was there and also recognized baby Jesus as the Son of God. Anna, who some have calculated to have been more than 100 years old, not only knew who He was but boldly prophesied how this child would be the redeemer of God’s people.
Strangely we do not read of anyone bowing down to worship the Messiah. Those who passed by probably thought, “Now isn’t that sweet, a nice elderly lady making over a newborn baby” and then went on about their business. However, let us make note of why no one else was ecstatic. Since they were not walking in discernment they were unable to perceive that God was right in front of them.
First Corinthians 2:14 says, “But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them, and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.”
I believe the Lord is trying to say that our lack of spiritual sensitivity is the reason why many times we do not notice His presence in our everyday lives. Yes, we are very busy, and our minds are filled with all the things we need to do, while sadly our most important responsibility is ignored. How can we hear God’s instructions if our receiver is not dialed to the right frequency?
Billy Holland is an ordained minister, chaplain, and author. Read more about the Christian life at