Sponsorship Opportunities Available:

Sponsorship Opportunities for the 56th Annual Beaufort Water Festival are now available. For General and/or Event Specific sponsor opportunities, please contact Chris Canaday at 843-812-5982,  or  Sponsors play a critical role as they help offset the rising cost of entertainment so that admission can be kept relatively low and/or free.  Please visit for more information.


Sporting Tournament Registration:

Applications/Registration forms for the 56th Annual Beaufort Water Festival Sports Tournaments are now available online at  Check out the website to see what events you want to become involved with!  Contact the Beaufort Water Festival at 843-524-0600 or the Sports Coordinator, Jack Little at


Championship Sports Series:

Now is the time to sign up for the 3rd Beaufort Water Festival Championship Sports Series sponsored by Beaufort Memorial Hospital. Teams will be required to participate in at least six events. Email Jack Little at for more information.


Talent Show Application/Registration:

Applications for the 56th Annual Beaufort Water Festival Talent show are now available online at  Auditions are June 6th at the Technical College of the Low country and the Talent Night is Wednesday, July 20.  Please contact the Beaufort Water Festival at 843-524-0600 or Dee Gonzalez at 843-379-1379 for more information.


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Lowcountry Life

At Friends of Caroline on Friends Lane near the Ridgeland/Okatie border, Habersham’s Ron Callari took a