Get ready for girls night out, Island News style

The inaugural Island Girls Night Out will kick off the new year on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Bella Luna on St. Helena Island.

The event will feature business women in the Beaufort area and is open to all women who want to meet and share ideas with other interesting and fun local women. There will be women representing all backgrounds of expertise from wellness, accounting, banking, clothing, retail, antiques, restaurants and entrepreneurs from all walks of life.

Whether you’re looking for a way to relax and have a laugh after work, or hoping to break up a long week by spending a little time away from the kids on a Wednesday night, this is an opportunity for all women in our community to share stories and spend a great evening together.

Enjoy special cocktail prices, door prizes, and the delicious Italian food that makes Bella Luna such a popular locally owned restaurant. Bring a business card and we will introduce you and your business. It is also a good way to plug your business through the newspaper.

The Island News’ newest sales rep Irene Goodnight will be the MC for the event. She is a well known guitar player and singer around town, but she is also a local business women who has had several successful businesses.

If you are interested in offering a door prize for this event, or if you are interested in sponsoring the next Island Girls Night Out, please contact Irene at 615-243-4684.

Bella Luna Cafe is at 859 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island, SC, 29920. Call 843-838-3188 for directions. Hope to see you there!

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