Gardening is a healthy activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. An edible garden can be started in a small area or in pots. It’s important that you learn which plants are edible and ensure that chemical sprays are not used on the plants that you are going to eat. Gardening provides exercise, relaxation, fresh food, and enjoyment. Wear sunscreen and protective clothing including a hat, correct footwear, and gloves. Take regular breaks and do stretches to avoid stiffness.
Gardening has many health and therapeutic benefits and can be very enjoyable. It’s an activity that everyone can enjoy. People with disabilities, seniors and children can find it especially rewarding to spend time in the garden tending plants and growing their own food. With some planning and thought, you can create an interesting, productive, and pleasant space that can be used as an edible garden.
An edible garden does not have to be large. Your garden can start small with a few pots and containers or even just a window box with a few suitable cuttings or herbs.
Benefits of growing an edible garden: Research shows that gardening is a healthy activity. Working in the garden provides benefits that include:
• Enjoyment – from the physical activity
• Exercise – physical activity improves your endurance, strength, mobility, and flexibility
• Relaxation – helps you relax and reduce stress levels
• Fresh food – provides you and your family with a healthy source of inexpensive fresh food.
• Appreciation of food growing – provides an appreciation of foods and their origin.
Grow things you can eat. An edible garden is a garden that contains flowers, herbs, seeds, berries, and plants that you can eat. Flowers and herbs can be used in salads, add flavor to cooked dishes, be made into teas, or used as a garnish. Plants, vegetables, and fruits can be eaten raw or cooked.
Everything you pick to eat should be washed carefully. Only eat flowers in salads if they are organically grown and free of pesticides and other garden sprays. Be aware that some flowers, seeds, and leaves can be toxic.
Protect yourself when you’re gardening. When you’re gardening outdoors, there are a few safety tips that you should follow. These include:
• Wear sunscreen and protective clothing including a hat, correct footwear, and gloves.
• Warm up, bend and stretch before you start.
• Take regular breaks and don’t forget to stretch and change position often.
• Bend at the knees and don’t strain when lifting heavy objects.
• Drink plenty of water especially in warm weather.
• Store garden tools and equipment safely.
• Observe safety instructions when using potting mix, any sprays, or fertilizers.
Things to remember:
• Gardening is a healthy activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
• An edible garden can be started in a very small area or in containers or pots.
• Make sure your plants are non-toxic varieties and are edible.
• Don’t use chemical sprays or fertilizers in your edible garden.