Garden-A-Day to begin June 8th

In celebration of National Gardening Week, The Beaufort Garden Club presents a weeklong Garden-A-Day tour, which draws visitors from throughout the state and around the world. Much anticipated each year, this free tour of private gardens is The Beaufort Garden Club’s special tribute to the people of Beaufort and the Sea Islands. This year, 2015, marks the 21st Anniversary of the Garden-a-Day Tour. Every day this week, rain or shine from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., you and your guests can leisurely stroll through lovely private gardens guided by local Master Gardeners.

Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 7.19.00 PMMonday, June 8th features two gardens. The first garden located on Prince St. boasts a perennial garden bordering a croquet pitch. Beside the guest house is a collection of Plumeria used to soften the landscape. Also, enjoy a 200 year old Cedar and a 100 year old Pecan tree that shade an area consisting of ferns, azaleas, tea olives and hydrangeas.

On the corner of Washington St. and Carteret you’ll find an ivy covered brick wall surrounding many exquisite antique camellia bushes. Sit on one of the benches overlooking their reflection pool to enjoy a quiet moment in your tour. Many antique garden treasures are found at this property.

Tuesday’s garden is at Walling Grove Plantation on the Coosaw River. The home owner describes herself as “a person who loves to play in soil.” Many Oaks along with camellias, gardenias and hydrangeas fill the landscape.

Wednesday places the tour in the Royal Pines area where this lovely garden features a Koi pond known for both its beauty and tranquility. The garden is ever expanding as the owners experiment with local vegetation.

Saint Helena Island is the location for Thursday’s garden tour. The owners, originally from Cambodia, cleared the land, which “looked like a lost jungle,” by themselves. They have multiple specific garden areas: a fragrant garden, butterfly garden, shady area plantings, succulents, vegetables/herb space, and a coleus area.

100_4076Friday features “The Castle” on Craven St. Here you can experience the view of the Beaufort River from a magnificent historic house in The Point. Towering Oaks along with a rope swing bring thoughts of Southern Belles and hooped skirts to mind. The garden has been refurbished and now has a formal look. It is surrounded by a living Jasmine fence and also features a former outdoor kitchen converted into a cozy garden space.

If you are a gardener, or just love to appreciate all that grows, this is a must see event. Whether you can get to one garden or see them all during the entire week, you will come away with a great appreciation of another wonderful gift Beaufort gives its’ residents and visitors alike. For more information, go online to

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