Garden A Day 2013

The doyenne of garden clubs in Beaufort, The Beaufort Garden Club, will celebrate National Garden Week with their 19th Annual Garden a Day event.

This weeklong event, beginning Monday June 3 through Friday, June 7, has become an anticipated tradition.  National Garden Week has been celebrated for the past 18th years by The Beaufort Garden Club by organizing this rare opportunity for the public to visit the gardens of five Beaufort area homeowners.  These gardens, rarely if ever offered for public view, are some of the loveliest examples of DSCN5445southern landscaping.

Whether the gardens have been personally planted and tended by the homeowner or commissioned to a professional, they reflect the vision of the homeowner.

As you stroll through these gardens, feel free to take photographs and talk to the homeowners.  There are no plant labels; these are private gardens, but if you have questions about the plants, look for someone in a green apron.  They are Master Gardener volunteers who work closely every year with The Beaufort Garden Club to make Garden a Day an enjoyable and enlightening experience.

The tour is a gift from the Beaufort Garden Club to the people of Beaufort.  There is no charge for this event.  Gardens will be open from 9 each morning until 12:30, rain or shine, according to the schedule below.  Light refreshments will be served by The Beaufort Garden Club.

IF YOU GO: 2013 Garden A Day schedule

• Monday, June 3: 1908 Lenora Drive (near Parris Island Bridge)

• Tuesday June 4: 5 Flora Circle Lady’s Island, Lady’s Island

• Wednesday June 5: 94 Dolphin Point Drive and 84 Dolphin Point Drive, Cat Island

• Thursday June 6: 305 East Street, Beaufort

• Friday June 7: 511 Prince Street, Beaufort (Robert Smalls House)

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