Friends of the Library hosts Mother’s Day Victorian Tea

Young ladies and gentlemen of northern Beaufort County are cordially invited to join The Friends of the Beaufort Library (FOL): Beaufort, Lobeco and St. Helena Branches for an afternoon filled with history, tradition and delightful refreshments on Saturday, May 10 from 2 to 3:30 pm. The St. Helena Island library branch community room will be transformed into an elegant Victorian tea room, the perfect place to celebrate the mothers, grandmothers, aunts and mentors for all they do.

The tea is free and open to girls and boys, aged 4-16, who may invite their mother or other female mentor/role model to this special Mother’s Day event.

Kim Poovey, historic re-enactress and author of historic fiction set in the Lowcountry, will present the guests with a performance of Emma Brown from her own book, “Truer Words.” Kim is also a Victorian tea connoisseur and will demonstrate the art of brewing and serving a proper cup of tea for the guests.

Performance arts graduate student Meagan Jones will give a presentation on the “language of the fan” and the significance of this accessory during the Victorian era. Musical entertainment will be provided by Belinda Blue, Celloist. There will also be door prizes.

Refreshments will include traditional menu items served at a proper tea including scones, finger sandwiches, cakes and various teas.

All participants are requested to dress their best for this elegant afternoon social event, although Victorian style clothing is not required. Female guests should wear a tea length or at the knee and below dress or skirt. Hats and gloves may also be worn but are not required. Proper attire for male guests is a dress shirt and tie with a suit jacket, if possible.

Registration for the tea is required by Saturday, May 3, 2014 and can be made in person at any of the three branch libraries: Beaufort, Lobeco or St. Helena Island; or by emailing Belinda Jones at

Registration must include: First and last names and age of each child; first and last names of the mother/female guest; and total number of guests in your group.

To become a member of FOL, contact Lee Martin at 843-838-7438.

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