Recently I witnessed an extraordinary act of kindness. This past week I was contacted by Frank Bailey, owner of Spectrum Graphics on Lady’s Island. We have known each other for many years and he was familiar with a situation involving my son Jeffery Rushing. Jeffery is my 12 year old son who has been battling an incurable genetic disease since he was three years old. Jeffery is currently being treated at MUSC and has undergone multiple surgeries to remove many tumors. To say the least, it has been an extremely difficult time for our family and we have been blessed to have the total and unending support of our family and friends.
Frank and his staff wanted to do something special for Jeffery. Knowing that Jeffrey was a huge New England Patriots fan, they decided to construct a footlocker to memorialize this year’s Super Bowl champions.
One afternoon, I got a call from Frank asking if I could bring Jeffrey over to his shop. When we arrived at Spectrum Graphics, Frank and his staff presented my son with the commemorative footlocker honoring the Patriots.
I cannot describe how excited and overwhelmed Jeffery was upon receiving his gift. As I watched this most sincere act of kindness and generosity, I was moved to tears that someone would take this much time out of their busy schedules to brighten a child’s day. Frank Bailey and his staff are truly what exemplify the wonderful community we have on Lady’s Island. And they have proven once again that one small act of kindness can change someone’s life.
Thank you all so much!
Jeff Rushing
Father of a grateful child and witness to an extraordinary act of kindness