Firehouse Subs Public Safety

Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation donated a thermal imaging camera worth more than $9,200 to Hampton Fire Department on Tuesday, Feb. 19. The donated camera will detect body heat and hot spots in burning buildings, allowing firefighters to reach victims and remove them from dangerous situations in a timely manner. Pictured above, from left is Mahesh Desai, Firehouse Subs area representative Mary Paquin, Hampton Fire Department Chief Lewis Ramsey, Firehouse Subs franchisee Mitul Desai, Vilas Desai and Firehouse Subs area representative Bryan Paquin.
Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation donated a thermal imaging camera worth more than $9,200 to Hampton Fire Department on Tuesday, Feb. 19. The donated camera will detect body heat and hot spots in burning buildings, allowing firefighters to reach victims and remove them from dangerous situations in a timely manner. Pictured above, from left is Mahesh Desai, Firehouse Subs area representative Mary Paquin, Hampton Fire Department Chief Lewis Ramsey, Firehouse Subs franchisee Mitul Desai, Vilas Desai and Firehouse Subs area representative Bryan Paquin.
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