What happens when you or someone you love experience a tough subject such as depression, substance misuse or suicide? Does anyone talk about it in your home or is it an avoidable topic?
From 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, professionals will address the elephant in the room at the USC Beaufort Center for the Arts. This is a free event that is open to the public.
Come out and listen to Shavon Jenkins- Coaxum, M.A., LPC, LAC, MAC and Edward Dela Fuente, LCDC-1 speak and ask them any questions you may have on these topics.
Before the event (5:30 p.m.) there will be resource tables in the lobby with information on local support groups pertaining the topics discussed. This event is a community partnership between The Beaufort County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Department, USCB Center for the Arts and The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office and is a part of the Engage Series offered monthly through the Center for the Arts.
“Engage Beaufort” is a monthly series of forums on topics that impact our lives ranging from mental health to environmental issues. Engage is free and open to the public.
For more information, go to USCBCenterForTheArts.com or call 843-521-3145.